He is looking darling as ever..he does have the sweetest little face.
Keep on sending those pictures - we love them no matter how many. Got a kick out of the third picture, in the car - further proof that in their eyes, we are sometimes just furniture to be climbed upon.
Thanks, and good to know that pictures don't get old here haha! What's also funny about the third picture is that after I took this picture I told him to sit, and so he sat with his behind in the same place that his feet are in the picture. It was soooo funny looking! His butt was way up high and his front legs were on my fiance's lap. :D Silly
Dexter doing his whopping 3 tricks! lol…:o
Haha I suppose I will be in the same boat in a coupe of years. English Teacher in training right here! :)
Dexter picked up on those 3 tricks sooo fast. I was surprised, but we are having a little trouble getting him to do stand. I wouldn't have thought that would be the difficult one! haha. -
Haha I suppose I will be in the same boat in a coupe of years. English Teacher in training right here! :)
yay! good luck to you! it's such a fun job!
Oh goodness, yes! It's crazy how tall he is getting so quickly! I just want him to keep his little baby face forever! haha. He is having a hard time adjusting to the fact that he can't fit under the coffee table or sofa anymore….he still tries but has no success.