wrote on 29 Apr 2011, 20:21 last edited by
awww… he's such a good boy!
wrote on 29 Apr 2011, 21:27 last edited by
Lol, thanks. I realized after that I sound like a broken record "Good Boy!!" after every one. haha
wrote on 30 Apr 2011, 00:52 last edited by
yeah, but what else could you say? excellent work there, chap? good boy is much easier.
wrote on 30 Apr 2011, 02:14 last edited by
Lmao…I think I will have to start saying that to people...but yes, Good boy will have to stick for Dexter.
wrote on 30 Apr 2011, 02:57 last edited by
i often feel like i'm having trouble with coming up with unique praise! i've got to change it up a bit at times, just to keep my sanity!
wrote on 30 Apr 2011, 03:57 last edited by
Haha I suppose I will be in the same boat in a coupe of years. English Teacher in training right here! :)
Dexter picked up on those 3 tricks sooo fast. I was surprised, but we are having a little trouble getting him to do stand. I wouldn't have thought that would be the difficult one! haha. -
wrote on 30 Apr 2011, 16:30 last edited by
Dexter is doing so well! Keep up the good work with him. As for 'praise' statements, I believe whatever comments come out of your mouth at the time are fine. I think it's the 'tone' that tells our dogs how happy we are with them.
wrote on 30 Apr 2011, 19:25 last edited by
Thank you very much! I was wondering how fast is too fast to be moving and how soon is too soon before I start on something new, not quite sure about that.
wrote on 30 Apr 2011, 21:59 last edited by
Haha I suppose I will be in the same boat in a coupe of years. English Teacher in training right here! :)
yay! good luck to you! it's such a fun job!
wrote on 3 May 2011, 17:19 last edited by
Your lil man is growing up nicely. They grow up fast don't they!
wrote on 3 May 2011, 17:52 last edited by
Oh goodness, yes! It's crazy how tall he is getting so quickly! I just want him to keep his little baby face forever! haha. He is having a hard time adjusting to the fact that he can't fit under the coffee table or sofa anymore….he still tries but has no success.
wrote on 4 May 2011, 18:09 last edited by
I bet he still tries to get under the coach. LOL…Bs are such characters. Does he run around all fast and frantically? (Basenji 500), I think that is the funniest and always makes me laugh!
wrote on 5 May 2011, 00:44 last edited by
Not as often as he used to, but he still does it once in a big while, and then he tries to dive under the couch like he used to, but instead he just slams into it because he is too big! haha