So I guess this sounds silly, but I'm really not sure how to play with Dexter. I want to play with him in a way that we both enjoy, without him getting too rowdy. After reading a thread- I don't remember which- I don't play tug with him anymore, since that could encourage roughness, and Dex does seem to like to play bite me a little too hard. I have been telling him NO and stopping play when he does that, and it seems to be working. He licks me after, and I praise him for it. However, If I don't want to play tug, and he only in interested in fetch for a minute if I'm lucky, what should I do? Haha. The only thing I have been doing with him is running up and down the hall because he loves to chase me and attempted fetch. I also encourage him to play with his toys, which works, but I want to play with him.