Please, I need help
Monica, I am so sorry he did that and now she is lost. Sounds like something my ex would do..grrr.
I hope you find her..make as many people in the area aware of you looking for her..she will come back.. -
What is your plan to get her home?
Drive around the area with a picture and ask everybody. Are there any parks near by? Is she friendly and socialized? Do you know if he left Pearl's collar on with tags? At least she has a chip. We're all putting our positive thoughts in the area for Pearl to be found safely.
What a wicked thing for him to do!
As people have suggested i would also advise hanging around the area he left her, with pictures and talking to people. You could also offer a reward for her safe return.
Good luck, please keep us posted -
So sad to read this.
What about contacting a local tv station - it might be they could do a story on it which would get the word out and possibly get her back…who cares if your husband (since he left anyway) is embarrassed by it. I wonder if the SPCA could criminally charge him for it - at least make it so he could never have a pet again.
I have family around Houston and Huffman and I've sent them the picture of Pearl and have asked them to send the info to everyone they know in the area. I pointed out to them that anyone who would dump an animal would also lie about where they dumped it. So I asked them to tell everyone they know, anywhere around Houston.
Hugs and prayers..
Pat -
Awesome news, Monica..happy ending indeed.