Fanconi Results
wrote on 21 Jul 2009, 09:28 last edited by
I've just checked my order status on OFA for Trouper & Benji.
Benji has come back clear which is great. Unfortunately, Trouper has come back as Affected. I'm absolutely gutted and now have to ask all other puppy owners of mine to test their dogs and tell the stud dog owner that their dog is a carrier! :(
wrote on 21 Jul 2009, 09:33 last edited by
Ohh Vicki I'm so sorry:( good news about Benji though:D
wrote on 21 Jul 2009, 09:40 last edited by
Great news for Benji. Sorry about Trouper though :(
wrote on 21 Jul 2009, 09:40 last edited by
Congrats with Benji!
I'm so sorry for Trouper..:(
wrote on 21 Jul 2009, 10:57 last edited by
We are so sorry to hear about Troupers results, but very pleased for you re Benji.
wrote on 21 Jul 2009, 11:28 last edited by
Good news about Benji, but I'm sorry to hear that Trouper came back affected. :(
wrote on 21 Jul 2009, 13:41 last edited by
Vicki, I'm so sorry to hear this news. The one good thing is that you are forearmed and will be able to react immediately the instant Trouper starts to spill sugar (if he does), and catch it at the earliest possible stage which gives him a great chance of a normal, active, long life.
wrote on 21 Jul 2009, 14:11 last edited by
I am so sorry Trouper has come back affected, at least you know and can be vigilant.
wrote on 21 Jul 2009, 14:22 last edited by
All the family will be saddened by Trouper's result - It doesn't stop him being the fabulous dog he is and at least with responsible owners such as yourself, he will have the best possible chance of a full and active life.Thinking of you,
wrote on 21 Jul 2009, 14:24 last edited by
Thanks Alan. Trouper really is such a good boy and I'm sure your kids enjoyed holding his lead etc at the show last weekend. :)
wrote on 21 Jul 2009, 14:29 last edited by
They sure did - we have told eveyone about how he jumped up on the chair next to another lady and proceeded to stare into her bag and see if there was anything of interest in there as well as keep a close eye on that stick of rock my youngest was holding!
It was probarbly nothing to seasoned owners but it was the first real life demonstration of that fearless and inquisitive nature! A delight!
Speak soon,
wrote on 21 Jul 2009, 14:47 last edited by
I'm so sorry to read this about Trouper. Hopefully it will be a very long time before he has any symptoms.
I am very sorry to hear about Troupers result. Hopefully he will never develop the ailment or it will be long before he does. I am very glad to hear that Benji's results came back good though..
wrote on 21 Jul 2009, 17:38 last edited by
Happy for your good news and I am sorry about the other but good news is you know and are ready. Can you go and look at they have a item called Only Natural Pet Kidney Support Plus says will help maintain optimal kidney function balance urine PH and mineral levels. Take a look never know.
Rita Jean
wrote on 21 Jul 2009, 19:14 last edited by
Sorry about Trouper but pleased for you regarding Benji's results. What mixed feelings you must have. I hope at least with all the great support from the folk on this forum, you will cope well with whatever comes along.
wrote on 21 Jul 2009, 23:02 last edited by
Sorry to hear about Trouper's result.. :(
wrote on 23 Jul 2009, 12:17 last edited by
I am so sorry to hear your news about Trouper. At least it was good news about Benji.
wrote on 27 Jul 2009, 13:56 last edited by
Vicki, thanks for letting us know. We have decided we will test Kura and will let you know how we get on & when we have ordered. Gutted for your result on her brother Trouper. Will keep in touch x Lisa & Kura x