Not eating or drinking water
Update…My vet took her x-rays and drove over to the med-vet place I went on Wed night to compare her x-rays with theirs and to get the radiologist to give a 2nd opinion. Now its confirmed a small blockage in the small intestines, something peach pit size. My vet is doing surgery immeditately to remove it. Mystery solved. I am relieved that they found the blockage, just wish it was sooner. I am a little pissed at the med-vet b/c my vet had reapatly requested their x-rays for comparison and they didn't respond. She had to physically drive over herself and hunt down somebody.
Good news, I hope this solves all his problems…poor little fella.
I can not believe she(the Vet) had to jump through hoops to get the films..typical.
Let us know how things progress. I'm keeping my fingers crossed his surgery goes uneventful and speedy.. -
Surgery went well, even the vet is unsure what the object was after she got it out. He's currently in recovery, not entirely out of the woods yet. The intestines had not ruptured but maybe was damaged. He will spend at least another night and day in hospital for observation.
So far so good…I will pray for his swift recovery and for you and your husband to keep you calm..
So is it something he "found" and swallowed? Scary.. -
Surgery went well, even the vet is unsure what the object was after she got it out. He's currently in recovery, not entirely out of the woods yet. The intestines had not ruptured but maybe was damaged. He will spend at least another night and day in hospital for observation.
Great news… and I had the same experience with what they found in Kristii... none of us have ever figured out what it was... but you know it could have been in there for years.... and over time with stomach acid and stuff can really change it to make it hard or impossible to determine. Kristii's looked like a piece of steel wool, like what I used 100 years ago, SOS pads...ggg .... good news she recovered just fine.... hugs and good thoughts coming your way.
(((HUGS))) I'll keep him my thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery.
Hope Cody is feeling much better soon.
Thanks everyone for the great support for me and Cody. Went to see him after work yesterday. He was still groggy but he recognized me and wanted to go home with me. He whined a little as I left. :(. Called the vet this morning and she said he did really good last night, and very alert today. They are going to ween him off his IV pain meds/fluids and will see if he will eat today. If he eats and keeps it down he will come home today. My girl basenji is totally lost without her little brother. She's very depressed.
Yes all is well that is GREAT NEWS…............. Hope Cody gets to come home today and you may have to take his sister out for some ice cream to lift her spirts. Going to have to have welcome home party. Have a GREAT day and let us know how the eating goes.
Rita Jean
Awesome news. I am so happy to hear that he is doing well. I hope he recover really quick from here on out.
Vet called me at lunch. I can pick him up at 6:20 tonight. He is off of his IV's, ate some can dog food is up walking around. They took him out and he went potty. Seems very alert. I can't wait to pick my baby boy up tonight! I asked the vet nurse that was there yesterday, how many staple/stitches. He said "a lot" at least 30 staples.
OMG I am so happy to get this email about your update. Awesome news. I bet you and your hubby are some happy folks right about now…
Brilliant news!!!!:)
I asked the vet nurse that was there yesterday, how many staple/stitches. He said "a lot" at least 30 staples.
:eek: where did they put them all?
i'm glad he's on the mend; hopefully he won't be a Frankendog too long.