Do Tri's have an extra "evil" gene?
I often say "We call this color tri-ing in basenjis."
I don't know if they do. I've red ,blk and tri. My first B was a tri and she only had 1 bad incident. Pretty much a perfect dog for 17 years after that. My other 2 had their share of mischievous acts of damage. I'm getting a new tri in 3 weeks. I'll report in. (-:
I don't know if they do. I've red ,blk and tri. My first B was a tri and she only had 1 bad incident. Pretty much a perfect dog for 17 years after that. My other 2 had their share of mischievous acts of damage. I'm getting a new tri in 3 weeks. I'll report in. (-:
How fun…. were is your new tri coming from?....
speaking of the whole color set, I want one of the Creamy Basenjis they had WAYYY back when.. that would be tops for me .. The colour still exists in Africa right?? Lisa? Pat?
I think Lukuru Amisi (one of the dogs being voted on by the BCOA to be allowed into the Stud Book) is close to that colour you are talking about…love that colour (love that dog!!!)!!!! A very light red (or fawn) colour. So yes, it is still in Africa.
I think Lukuru Amisi (one of the dogs being voted on by the BCOA to be allowed into the Stud Book) is close to that colour you are talking about…love that colour (love that dog!!!)!!!! A very light red (or fawn) colour. So yes, it is still in Africa.
But I am pretty sure that Amisi is genetcially a pale red…not a cream. As far as I have read, nobody has seen a cream in Africa or the US in the recent past.
But I am pretty sure that Amisi is genetcially a pale red…not a cream.
Yes, you are right…he is genetically a pale red.
Wait...I just re-read what I wrote originally and I said "I thought he was CLOSE to the colour...a very light red"... ;)
So "actual" cream must not have any red in it...I'd LOVE to see that.
There are no creams in the current basenji population. Amisi is a pale red. Avongara Siri of Brushy Run is a Blue Fawn but AKC would not allow that color designation when she was registered so she is registered as a cream though she is really a dilute red.
Pics of creams can be found on this site,
You can see pics of Siri at,
Pics of Amisi can be seen at,
Pics of creams can be found on this site,
You can see pics of Siri at,
Pics of Amisi can be seen at,
Thanks for those links…that cream colour in the first link looks cool!!!
whhhhhy why no creamies? ;(
Would it be possible with the genetic base we have between africa and our western Bs to have the cream colour reintroduced? I remember reading they were bred out because the breeders didn't like the colour, but does someone know the genetics behind what threw the creams in the first place? -
I don't totally understand the genetics behind it, but cream is a dilute of red…and I think you have to have the gene present that causes the dilute...and I am thinking it may have been completely bred out of the western population of Basenjis. The only thing that comes close that I have seen a pic of is Siri, but she is more like what we would describe as fawn in other breeds...and is genetically, supposedly not a cream.
Here is a link to her African Stock page : am NO expert in color genetics or history…I am only repeating what I have heard other people say...but, personally, I doubt we will ever see cream, blue, or mahogany tris in Basenjis again, sadly....
Creams are not dilute reds. Dilute reds are called blue fawns in other breeds and can be seen in breeds like whippets and APBTs where they have reds and dilutes. When you see Siri in person you can see that she is truly a dilute or "blue" she has irridescent (sp?) fur like a weim but is red. We could see blue tris again and blues but it isn't likely since the gene is very rare in our population so unlikely to pair up and even less likely that it will pair up in a tri or black dog, but it can happen and with pedigree research a person could increase their chance of it happening.
It is believed that creams are caused by a gene on C (chinchilla) series, but we may never know exactly.
Creams are not dilute reds. Dilute reds are called blue fawns in other breeds and can be seen in breeds like whippets and APBTs where they have reds and dilutes. When you see Siri in person you can see that she is truly a dilute or "blue" she has irridescent (sp?) fur like a weim but is red. We could see blue tris again and blues but it isn't likely since the gene is very rare in our population so unlikely to pair up and even less likely that it will pair up in a tri or black dog, but it can happen and with pedigree research a person could increase their chance of it happening.
It is believed that creams are caused by a gene on C (chinchilla) series, but we may never know exactly.
Thanks for clarifying that Lisa….I am in way over my head when it comes to anything beyond the basic Basenji color patterns of inheritance :)