We go to a dog park where a trainer goes to work with his GS and his Malinois - except that the Malinois looks a little more furry than yours, the shape and color of your dog very much resembles his. As an aside, he says his Malinois was very easy to train. (makes me embarrassed to even try to get my girls to "come" in his presence.:rolleyes:)
MAVERICK: 5 1/2 Months Old *pics*
His eye lash looks great!!
I think the pic is too large.
Definitely a big pic, but nice little elvis snarl going there.
Couldn't see the picture - only what might be some carpeting - much too big for my browser.
hahahaa I know. I deleted the thread so i could re post but it didnt work i see…Gimme a sec. Ill fix it
Wow. What a HANDSOME dog you have! I'm glad your back posting pics for us!
He's soo cute and handsome!! Great to see some pics again!!
Great looking - love those ears!!
Both your little boys are adorable!!
I love how Maverick's tail curl lies right on top of his back, curled up sideways… It looks more like a honeybun than any other 'Senji I've ever seen... to cute!!! And your little Aiden is gorgeous (as usual)! Watch out, these two will grow up so fast you will soon wonder where all that time went...
I know!! Im so excited because now that MAverick isnt going pee and poo so often at night he is crating! Wish us luck tonight! Any pointers will be nice! He always sleeps in there without the door on but tonight we went on a walk went potty put him in the crate with a chewy and a blanket. Were hoping all goes well!!! MORE PICS SOON!
They are both growing so fast.
Thanks for the photos. -
ohhhhh too cute….....
Very sweet pic!