These made me smile! He looks so happy and having so much fun! This is probably my favorite part of this site is seeing all the pictures. Love them!!! Thanks for posting!!
Wow! You really do have a lot of snow there - reminds of Vermont, where we had snows like that. Glad we're in Florida now, no snow! Aki looks like he is having great fun running and playing in that weather.
So cute! You know what would be twice as cute? TWO basenjis romping & play bowing in the snow ;)
I am a big fan of the two dog concept, my wife, not so much.
So…how long would it take you to get here, BBoy...more grumbles from the beast…I think all of these below zero days are making her cranky!!
The beast…....I love it.:D Heck, I get a little cranky this time of year myself.:(