Lukuru Constellation Perseus (Hero) pouncing on a snowball that was dislodged when he was playing. He actually does this intentionally and often. He'll kick up the snow and get little balls to go rolling. Then he "hunts" them down.
So cute,,and you know what…Pippin does teh same thing..except with sand/gravel. He moves his front paws in a sudden movement the he stops to see what happens, then does it again, he can keep on doing this for along time..intrigues funny.
Great pictures - Cody looks like he was really enjoying the snow! But the last picture says it all - "okay, that was fun but now I'm cold and tired and leave me alone" One of mine would probably play in the snow; the other wouldn't put one single foot in it!
So…how long would it take you to get here, BBoy...more grumbles from the beast…I think all of these below zero days are making her cranky!!
The beast…....I love it.:D Heck, I get a little cranky this time of year myself.:(