More flattering pics
Dear Mom (janneke)…
Please stop posting "fat" pics of me. All your friends on here are used to seeing the svelte, muscular me. Hey, we all get "comfortable" in the winter. You don't want me developing poor self-esteem and me to start hanging out with the wrong sorts of dogs, do you?! I'm still at an impressionable young age and I shouldn't have to worry about my body image. You won't like it if I start asking, "does this collar make my butt look fat."
Tillo :( :mad:Hahaha… LOL.. "Does this collar make my butt look fat.." :D :D :D That's exactly the question he has in his eyes in the morning.. :p;)
But today we burned some calories! We went cycling.. And this time no basket to sit in for Tillo :D :D
Sounds like a fun day for you both!
wonderful photos, he looks great!!!
Your dog is beautiful - my Shaye's markings are very much like his - I hope she grows up to look as elegant.
Very nice pictures! What camera did you use?
As for Tillo being fat…J did start by saying "To loose some weight.. we run.. (yes.. me too)" Not that either of them need to : )
Thanks :) Pics are taken with the canon 450D.
So you don't think Tillo is chubby..?
:cool:I love these pictures of Tillo, he is so majestic and I like the little white dot on his forehead!!! The "flying" pics are incredible, I wish Bella could do that… :(but she doesn't even climb a baby gate or jump out of my very high bed. I think she is afraid to hurt her luxating patella. Otherwise she doesn't act like it bothers her much, thankfully!:) I sometimes will right click on some of the pictures from the forum and temporarily use them a my computer background. I used the one on the bridge this time. Thank you for sharing!!!:D:D:D
:cool:I love these pictures of Tillo, he is so majestic and I like the little white dot on his forehead!!! The "flying" pics are incredible, I wish Bella could do that… :(but she doesn't even climb a baby gate or jump out of my very high bed. I think she is afraid to hurt her luxating patella. Otherwise she doesn't act like it bothers her much, thankfully!:) I sometimes will right click on some of the pictures from the forum and temporarily use them a my computer background. I used the one on the bridge this time. Thank you for sharing!!!:D:D:D
Good to hear you like them :) If you want the pic in normal size, let me know!
The white dot on Tillo's forehead is a teethmark from another dog… Haha.. So I don't really like it ;) :p He got bitten in the face and on his back.. This isn't the only teethmark he got from it.. I'm hoping it will heal nicely..
Good to hear you like them :) The dot on Tillo's forehead is a teethmark from another dog… Haha.. So I don't really like it ;) :p He got bitten in the face and on his back.. This isn't the only teethmark he got from it.. I'm hoping it will heal nicely..
Oh, I am sorry… from a distance it looks like a white patch of fur. :(
Oh, I am sorry… from a distance it looks like a white patch of fur. :(
Haha, that's ok :)