My puppy wont let me sleep (and some more serious problems)
Welcome Danny! Hope your little boy will be okay. I got a beagle puppy when I was in grad school and I was really tired for a few months. I didn't crate train at the time and I really regret it.
Hi Danny! Welcome to you and Rocky!
I love PR as well. I spent about 2 weeks there a few years ago and LOVED Flamenco beach on Culebra Island! We had an awesome camping spot right on the beach… fantastic!
It's such a small world. I just got back tonight from spending a week on Culebra! This is my fourth year going there and I run into very few people who even know it exists outside of PR. I'm going to have to post pictures in the off-topic section this weekend.
Wow, I guess it is a small world huh? Next time one of you guys/girls come to PR give me a shout. And yes by B has been fanconi tested. I feel alot better about by dog's thing now, even if it doesn't grow that guy is going to be with me for a long time (God willing). I use to have a beagle that lived for 10 years, I just turned 22 so it was really hard lossing a friend that I have had for almost half my life. As sad as it is, it has to happen and it was almost a year ago so I'm over it, even though I dream about him every now and then.
I got some really good news though! Tonight was my first night of full sleep since I got Rocky. I left him in the living room (which has been inspected to be puppy safe) he slept there untill 3am or something, then somehow he opened the door that divides the living room/rest of the house from the rooms and came scratching at my door, I opened it and left it opened. He begged a bit to go up in the bed but I just said no and then ignored him and he went to sleep under my bed. Of course I have to mention that I had to take to Panadol PM's to be at bed by 9pm, my dog goes to sleep like at 8 and I have to break my routine of going to bed at midnight.
And I mentioned I plan to breed, but this is really long term planning right here. First I'd have to get my degree (studying to be a teacher) get a nice house with alot of space for my dogs to run, and of course you can bet I'll do my homework if I start breeding.
Hey Maya, that's awesome about your pup coming home tomorrow. I ordered mine through the internet and I had to wait 2 or 3 weeks because they need to be at least 8 wks old to air travel, I thought the day would never come, and here I am with my little furry boy running around and bitting everything he sees. I don't know if I mentioned it before but after only 1 wk of having my pup he already sits on command, we're working on "lay down" still, but we'll get it :D
I still got about 2 1/2 years to finish my degree, I'm studying middle school english education with a minor in psychology. BTW, you're from the UK… that's awesome, I miss cold places... Puerto Rico is like hot all year long.
BTW, you're from the UK… that's awesome, I miss cold places... Puerto Rico is like hot all year long.
Wanna swap? You can have my house and i'll have yours!! ;)
I did a Psychology degree with English literature as a minor, not far off yours :D Though the thought of being a teacher would terrify me :o
Well done with the commands!! I've not had a basenji before, Maya will be my first, but i have certainly be told that they can be very tough to train as they are stubborn, you are obviously doing really well with Rocky. Im sure he will be a very happy, healthy companion for you for many years :)
I didnt realise you could buy puppies through the internet though! Never heard of that before!! Or, do you mean that you bought him through a breeder and just didnt see him before he came to you?? :confused:
We can swap right away Maya! I bet it's cold out there now, here even though we are in winter it can go as high as 95F which would be about 35 celsious. The whole training and command thing has not been to hard, THEY CAN BE STUBBORN but if you got the right treat they will do anything.
And I don't want to advertaise, but yes you can buy dogs off the internet. is one of the sites in which breeders list their young pups for sale and what not, most of them don't sell to pet shops and ask lots of questions before deciding to sell you the dog, which I think it's great.
Oh, and I'm still waiting for the breeders response on this issue. He works the night shift and that's why he has not answered yet, he's always been easy to find and more than happy to answer questions either by phone or email.
And hey Maya, are you from England or Norther Ireand ?
Its going to get all the way up to 7 celcius here today apparently, and thats relatively mild, we've been in the minus figures recently!!
Hopefully your breeder will get back to you soon, the most important thing with a new puppy, IMO, is a good breeder for help and advice!
Im from England. Gloucestershire to be exact! :D Beautiful countryside here, a lovely place to live but so, so cold!!!
Oooh, and im Jess! lol My basenji is called Maya :) I probably should have just had "Jess" as a username as i cant get used to people refering to me as Maya lol!!
Thats so funny Nemo! Yes, post some pics and I'll add some of mine as well…we spent 2 weeks in PR, rented a car and drove all around, but Flamenco Beach was my fave....
YES! Our campsite was right behind the tank!
Nothing so interesting sadly.
Her pedigree name is "American Dreamz" and Maya means Dream in Chinese or something :) I just liked the name :D
That IS interesting.
And Tayda, remember how clear that water was and how you'd be on the water and you'd have beautiful mountains all around?? Man, makes me want to drive to Fajardo and take that boat that takes you to the island :D
That IS interesting.
And Tayda, remember how clear that water was and how you'd be on the water and you'd have beautiful mountains all around?? Man, makes me want to drive to Fajardo and take that boat that takes you to the island :D
We did stay in San Juan. My husbands family is from PR, but most live in Brooklyn now. They just sold his grandmothers home. I am not sure of the city though. There is a primate research facility that I want to see. My husband has also been to Vieques which he said was stunningly beautiful. Once the landmines are cleared out, that is going to be an amazing tourist area.
I miss the Quesitas. (I think that is how you say it.)
I am glad to hear that you plan to do you your research before you decide to breed. It is important to know that some of that research is things that should been done before selecting a puppy. I am glad to hear that his parents were tested for Fanconi, what were their results? Did you verify them on the OFA website, There are some breeders who are telling their buyers that their dogs have been tested but in reality they only did urine strip testing and have no idea what the dogs DNA status is. Also, since you are thinking about breeding Rocky in the future it is important to know his family health history for all the major inherited diseases in the breed. The 4 minimum recommended tests by the Basenji Club of America are Hips by OFA, Eyes by CERF, Thyroid (OFA panel), Fanconi Marker Test. If the testing was done all of the results should be on the OFA site.
The parents only have the fanconi tests done… is that enouth? :confused:
This is the mom
This is dad
It says something about the offspring probably being affected with fanconi on the dads… wtf?! :eek:
This means I guess you got your pup from Phil in Colorado? There have been problems with Phil's dogs and their "real" parentage. What you see on the sire's side is proof of that problem. There is no way that two clear parents can have an affected offspring. I happen to know that DNA parentage was done and it was proved that this is not the sire and dam of this particular puppy. So I would be very concerned that the sire and dam on your puppy may not be what the registration papers say.
Also to your question about tests, there are many, many other health tests that should be done. Please visit and/or