Why Charcoal flavored biscuits???
wrote on 27 Jan 2009, 01:20 last edited by
So now I check all of Bella's food for everything… By products, corn, wheat gluten, and make sure it is USA made... I can't give her peanut butter biscuits, and cut waayyyyy back on chicken jerky. I am reading ingredients on EVERYTHING!!! The other day I was looking for new biscuits and was reading on the Old Mother Hubbard mixed flavor biscuit package that there are charcoal flavored ones. Why would you want CHARCOAL in dog biscuits??? Does anyone have any input on this?:confused:
wrote on 27 Jan 2009, 01:56 last edited by
So now I check all of Bella's food for everything… By products, corn, wheat gluten, and make sure it is USA made... I can't give her peanut butter biscuits, and cut waayyyyy back on chicken jerky. I am reading ingredients on EVERYTHING!!! The other day I was looking for new biscuits and was reading on the Old Mother Hubbard mixed flavor biscuit package that there are charcoal flavored ones. Why would you want CHARCOAL in dog biscuits??? Does anyone have any input on this?:confused:
If I remember right this had something to do with digestion… if true or not... I don't know as I never tried or looked into it....
wrote on 27 Jan 2009, 02:42 last edited by
charcoal is used as a filter; and it is used as an additive in ground meat so that it is then "unfit" for humans (although i don't guess it would hurt if a human ate some). And you have to realize that those "flavors" are for human appeal (although who wants charcoal flavored things escapes me). After all, if the dogs had their say, the most popular flavor would be kitty poop.
wrote on 27 Jan 2009, 02:59 last edited by
LOL agilebasenji ain't that the truth Kitty poop and bird poop for mine Yuck
wrote on 27 Jan 2009, 12:23 last edited by
agile & phoenix…too funny...and for mine, any kind of poop would be their favourite flavor!
wrote on 27 Jan 2009, 14:05 last edited by
The charcoal is activated charcoal (the kind used in filters) not the kind used in cooking grills. It helps with digestion and I think (not sure) in teeth cleaning.
wrote on 27 Jan 2009, 14:19 last edited by
My 2 b's love Mother Hubbard. They do well with these treats, and I have a boy with food allergies.
I think the charcoal helps with their tummys. -
wrote on 27 Jan 2009, 16:36 last edited by
I appreciate the input… I can't imagine charcoal being scrumptious, but you never know. Like some of you said, cat poop flavor would be a hit... so why not charcoal? I ended up getting bacon and cheese flavor this time, but I will try the mixed next time. The ingredients sounded healthy and wholesome! She seems to like the bacon and cheese quite well.:cool:
wrote on 27 Jan 2009, 17:54 last edited by
I give mine the Mother Hubbard Charcoal treats also… they are black and don't look very appetizing, but I guess they are supposed to help with dental health.