Gift Exchange: Winter Holidays 2008
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Winter Gift Exchange Participants,
It seems that hotmail is for some reason is silently discarding some of our emails. From my experience, their email system always had delivery issues.
Anyone with a hotmail account who is participating in this exchange please send us an alternate (non hotmail) email address to asap.
Thank you,
Shango got his package today!!!
We'll be posting pictures (And details) soon!!
Hope he enjoyed his package! cant wait to see pics!!!
I sent my package out yesterday! It should be in my buddies paws by the end of the week :)
I sent mine last Wednesday, hopefully it will get there soon; I am sure all of the other Christmas mail is really backing up the post office!
Chase & Zahra's Mom,
THANK YOU!!!! Jackpot LOVES his presents (& I loved mine too!). We throw the big ball down the stairs & Jackpot chases after it & runs back upstairs to bring it to us (great way to tire him out!) He REALLY liked the Nathan's "hot dog" treats! The big red dice has his kibble/treats and it goes in his crate with him when we aren't at home. He carries around the reindeer toy (by the antlers no less) and he's so cute when he prances around with it.
Thanks for my mug & the basenji socks. I'll be wearing them to work today!
Thanks again for all of the presents! You really spoiled Jackpot & myself and we really appreciate the time/thought you put into picking out all of the presents!
Happy Holidays!
I am excited to say we got our basenji buddy gift today! Thank you so much, MacPack, we absolutely LOVED everything you sent! Let's see, we got bully sticks, yummy treats and other chewies, a cute stuffed stocking, a portable food dish, and for me, some delicious chocolate covered pretzels!
The gift came just in time too, on Tuesday we are traveling to my brother-in-law's house for Christmas, which is always SUPER hard to do with Tosca, as I can never find a place where she won't get into everything, and its too cold to put her outside for long. The bully sticks will especially come in handy, as I can give them to her and keep her occupied for quite awhile! It's just gonna be hard to make them last even that long, tonight Tosca was so excited I gave her a head start on one of them for awhile, while I did my Christmas cards…she loved it! So, thank you again for were super generous and we are both very grateful! I included some of Tosca examining the gift bag, then one of her pulling out her favorite (bully stick) and one of her surveying it all on the couch at once. Enjoy, and I hope your gift arrives soon as well! Thanks again and happy holidays! -
We got our package and Fiji finally got her squirrel! When we walk through Balboa Park to the dog park, she wants the squirrels in the worst kind of way, so she grabbed the stuffed squirrel and has had a fine time de-stuffing it. She's still carrying the little (empty) fuzzy carcass around and growls if Bongo tries to grab it.
Bongo had to "make do" with the stuffed reindeer…luckily it's long enough to make for good tug-of-war. Talk about Reindeer Games! Now they can each treasure their own leg :rolleyes: I'll post photos soon. Our package went out yesterday. Merry Christmas! -
You are welcome! We are glad the squirrel was not able to get away this time.
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Hooray, we got our gifts today! Topper, Nicky and Eddie send a big "thank you barrooo" to Jill and Tosca! I especially loved the card, reading about you and Tosca.
We opened the box and found super duper treats, three different kinds. We have already tried the pizza flavored ones and they meet with a big "thumbs up". Then we played with toys, Nicky eventually claimed them all, but Topper had a lot of fun with the yellow duck, tossing it around and pouncing on it. At 13, he doesn't get very excited about toys so I was thrilled to see him act like a pup. Ed got the octopus and Nicky first took the kong toy, but poor Ed, he lost the octopus pretty quickly to Nicky, Queen of the Toys. As we speak, she is eating the squeaker from inside the duck…the plastic is her favorite part!
Thank you so much Jill, this was great fun! You hit the jackpot with your gifts to us.
Yay! I am glad they liked everything…toys can be very hard to pick out for basenjis, I know unless they are food flavored it is very hard to get Tosca to play with any of her toys. So I am excited they are playing with them, even if that means they are destroyed in like 5 minutes :) Tosca likes her stuffed stocking as well, it already has a hole in it from throwing it around and chewing it. It helps her get exercise in this crazy below zero weather though, she loves to chase it when I throw it around the house! Thanks again, and Merry Christmas!
Where did you find the Basenji stockings?