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*You* may have won an all expense paid trip

Basenji Rescue
  • Yeah, I was actually hoping that with the usual summer surge of folks heading to San Diego it might be easier to find someone who'd like to get some trip expenses covered by letting Donko pay his way ;)

    No luck yet, though, so unless we get a last minute taker today or tomorrow we'll be heading to Las Cruces this week. Can't wait to meet our new guy, and let he and Fiji get acquainted.

  • Well, travel safe and let us know how it goes.

  • I also was hoping you'd find a taker. It is so great that this guy found you.


  • We're glad he found us too! And there is a special place in heaven for foster moms, like the wonderful woman who has been caring for Donko this last week. Making travel plans now for later this week… thank goodness we have a small good-mileage car ;)

  • Looks like a friend of my daughter's is willing to drive to Las Cruces and bring the pup back to Phoenix - her day off is tomorrow so we're getting ready. We'll drive from SD to Phoenix while she's on her way back. I feel like we're coordinating some kind of a spy mission: "Houston, the Basenji has landed, repeat, the Basenji has landed!" :D

  • We are in Texas and will be heading back to San Diego, but not until the later part of August, or we could have packed Donko into the motor home with our 9… It's a harrowing trip with that many and 3 humans, but we survived the trip down with 10.

    Congrats on your new baby!


  • @BasenjiByTheBay:

    Looks like a friend of my daughter's is willing to drive to Las Cruces and bring the pup back to Phoenix - her day off is tomorrow so we're getting ready. We'll drive from SD to Phoenix while she's on her way back. I feel like we're coordinating some kind of a spy mission: "Houston, the Basenji has landed, repeat, the Basenji has landed!" :D

    YAY!!!! Oh congrats… I was wishing I was in that part of the country while I was watching the BRAT chat for your request....get us pictures when you get him home.....OR ELSE :D

  • Have a wonderful, and SAFE trip. I'm excited for you!!

  • OK, looks like our driver can't head to NM until Friday, but we will have our boy this weekend, and pictures will be posted for sure.

    9 dogs and 3 kids in a motorhome? Are the dogs all basenjis? Whatever kind of drugs you're taking, I want some! ;) Kidding! Thanks for the offer, I just don't want to wait til August to meet our guy.

  • posted by BbytheBay …"9 dogs and 3 kids in a motorhome? Are the dogs all basenjis? Whatever kind of drugs you're taking, I want some! "


  • So glad you've got some help. I couldn've use the Sea World tickets in June - but we flew - not much help to you. Kudos to you for rescuing this B-boy in El Paso. You've got a heart of gold! Please post pics of your union together.

  • We're thrilled that he found us - and so glad that it was in time. Sharron is right; Texas is overrun with B's and this guy might not have lived much longer if it weren't for our rescue team.

    There will be lots of photos!

  • So, my son in law's sister and mom, and one of my grandsons, decided it was a good day for a road trip. They picked up Donko (I think we're going to change that to Bongo) a few hours ago in NM and he is en route to Phoenix!!

    His foster mama says she has not been able to take him to the dog park for a few days and when he's bored and has too much energy he's quite a chewer. Guess pictures don't lie and he really is a basenji! ;)

    Either the Phoenix crew will decide they need a day at the beach and keep coming this way, or my daughter will keep him tonight - I manage a farmers' market on Saturday mornings - and I'll head to Phx tomorrow afternoon.

    Our little guy is almost home…:D

  • Yea!
    Oh, I can't wait to hear he is home with you…
    Hugs and hugs to all who have stepped up to help this little b.
    Are you excited???

  • I'm so excited I can't stand it!

    I'm just a little worried about how Fiji will take an interloper, but she's been a little sad and quiet since all the visiting kids and dogs left last week. I think she'll be very glad to have a buddy once we work through any adjustment issues. My hubby has been asking her all week, "Fiji, where's Bongo?" He thinks that will make her relieved to see Bongo when he arrives.:rolleyes: Who knows?

    I don't know what the standard etiquette is for fosters in this situation, but I thought I'd send his NM mommy some gift cards for grocery stores, Petco, etc I know she did it absolutely out of the goodness of her heart, but expenses have to add up when you foster, right?

  • Oh, and while I was trying to wrap my head around actually seeing him in the next couple of days, I was doodling around on the forums looking for adjustment stories and reread Miles' and Lexi's story - great inspiration! I'm hoping for as wonderful an outcome!

  • Catt, e-mail me privately, and I will give you some tips for the introducation of these 2…

  • Awwwwwww!! That is so great! I'm so glad we could inspire others to seek out pound puppies to rescue!! Miles was in such awful conditions. And his health was so bad off! He's come so far… almost too far- I think he needs to go on a diet soon. ;) heheheh.... I can't wait to hear more from you all! Your adventure is just beginning!

  • That is really great! Please post some photos!

  • How exciting! I hope everything works out between Fiji and Donko/Bongo!!

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