Your oddball
I'll get down on the floor and sit or kneel Abby will come over and sit or stand right next to me, if I move she will move again and stand or sit right next to me.
She does this with my other dog too, or she will put her paw up and touch my other dogs face almost like she is petting her. She toooooo funny! :) -
Dallas also is still a squatter when he pees & I am getting him fixed next month so it seems like he will always be one. I'm grateful for that though. When he goes in his crate he only goes in his crate & not all over the walls, carpet, etc. :p
Dallas also will sit "pretty" if he knows anyone in the house has something he may want. So if someone has some food he decided he wants, he will walk in front of them & do his "pretty" sit & just wait. Sometimes while doing this he starts kind of closing his eyes like he's falling asleep waiting. LOL
Brando at 3 years old is a squatter…although he'll lift his leg if he wants to mark something really bad, so I know he knows how to do it. I actually prefer it if he lifts his leg, because when he squats, it sometimes goes all over his paws...but then he licks them dry. It is quite the scene with him :D!!!!
Piper is deathly afraid of her shadow. In the evening when the sun is low and it creates really long shadows Piper will go out in the yard and as soon as she notices her shadow she will bark once then come flying back to the door and will not move. If it wasn’t for the house creating a “shadow free zone” she would probably never go to the bathroom in the evening.
The same thing happens after dark as well if I turn the light on, so we have to go out in the dark and I must say it’s not that easy seeing what a black dog is doing with no light.:)
Mirtillo freaks out when the ground is wet (some raindrops) or looks like it's wet. He also doesn't like it when there is loose grass or mud on the ground. He will lift his legs like a little horse, so he doesn't have to touch the ground too often. (his theory)
Booger MUST touch us at all times when he is relaxing. If we give him a bone or chew toy, he will bring it to wherever we are & lay down touching us. If we're watching tv or reading or sleeping, he is always touching us. When we're at the dog park he doesn't hang out with us too much (obviously other dogs are way more fun), but if we don't may eye contact or call his name for a few minutes, he will come up to us to check in. He'll wait until we acknowledge him in some way (eye contact, saying something, pat his head) & then run off again.
Lola likes to greet the day when we wake up. She stays asleep until we're up (thankfully something they are both GREAT at), and then as soon as we stir, she is up like a shot. She comes to the head of the bed & starts stretching & barooing. She'll let out 5 or 6 good full baroos while she stretches & then she's out of bed & ready to start her day. -
Tosca is definitely an odd dog all around :) But one thing that comes to mind is when we are wrestling/playing with her she will do the B500, jump up on the couch (where we always have blankets) and gently bite the blanket over and over until we come after her again or she is ready to play some more and come after us! Its hard to describe but its like she is thinking, "I'm so excited, I don't know what to do with all my pent up feelings/energy, I guess I better chew this blanket!" You gotta see it to know what i mean, but its rather amusing :)
In the morning after we go for our morning walk. Indi will bolt into the apartment speed into the bedroom, jump into the air while turning over onto his back and body slam my fiance awake(no one is ever hurt). Its wicked funny, especially when Turin isn't awake enough to block.
Sahara will go outside if she thinks I am getting her food ready, it's like she thinks my food will not be there until I go out the doggie door and come back in a few. It is a every day occurence twice a day, it is so strange.
She also will not go outside if it is raining, or the grass is wet, she will just hold it until a better time to potty. -
Obsessively licks both me and the wife before settling down to sleep. Nobody goes to bed without a bath on their forehead and cheeks.
When she gets her nightly chew (if she's been good on the walk), she takes it, buries it in the couch or somewhere, then digs it up five minutes later to have. Sometimes she forgets so we always try to keep an eye on where she buried it.
Like Jack, she likes to sleep on the foot part of the recliner. She also has two "burrows" in our sectional couch along the top where she nests.
Tosca is definitely an odd dog all around :) But one thing that comes to mind is when we are wrestling/playing with her she will do the B500, jump up on the couch (where we always have blankets) and gently bite the blanket over and over until we come after her again or she is ready to play some more and come after us! Its hard to describe but its like she is thinking, "I'm so excited, I don't know what to do with all my pent up feelings/energy, I guess I better chew this blanket!" You gotta see it to know what i mean, but its rather amusing :)
I get it! Squiggy does this. He also will pick up a toy and do that if it is closer. It is just too funny.
Squiggy also likes to stand on the end tables and survey his surroundings, kind of like my own little statue.
He loves it when I get new magizines. He likes for me to tear out the perfume sample strips so he can flop around on it.
If I am eating and I tell him to "get back" or "no", he throws a tantrum sometimes by running off and finding something in the room, picking it up and tossing it. Then he comes back and sits with his back to me. *he should know he only gets left overs in his bowl and when I am done.
He also dislikes to be slowly pushed. If he is standing near me and I take my hand and put it on his side and apply a pushing pressure, he pushes back and then eventually do the B500 out of annoyance. -
Jack buries his bones in the house too! He used to bury them in couch cushions until we made him stop (it gets slime all over the cushions. He knows he is only supposed to have them on his Binki) now he buries them in corners and under blankets.
He also tries to stand on the end tables, which we have been discouraging (glass end tables, I'm a little worried he will break them and get hurt). In fact, it seems like he tries to get as high as possible…the back of the couch, the back of the arm chair, on my shoulder...
Dallas also is still a squatter when he pees & I am getting him fixed next month so it seems like he will always be one. I'm grateful for that though. When he goes in his crate he only goes in his crate & not all over the walls, carpet, etc. :p
Charlie used to squat all the time….he started lifting his leg at about 2 years old. It was the strangest thing. I was sure he would never take up leg lifting. Now he does it all the time....unless it's raining super heavy ...then it's back to the squating. :)
Congo tries to lick us dry if we have just come out of the shower. In order to get out attention he will sit with his back to us and then try to flip his head around in weird little circles as if he is trying to give us attitude. WHen I get home from work he gives me a talking to for leaving him alone.
well, as he is my first basenji i think most everything Zumi does is quite odd, silly me being used the shepherds. He too likes to lick legs, i have no idea why but he is fascinated in newly shaved legs. He likes to ricochet off of things, especially when doing the B500. anything will do, including but not limited to people, couches, walls, a grumpy cat, side tables and the other dogs.
He also is quite annoying in his need to constantly touch me. I can barely sit for a moment without him clamoring onto me. His favorite spot is when i sit on the couch, he squeezes between the back of the couch and my neck, curling around my neck. He also MUST sit of feet. its his "thing" even if walking he will try to sit on your foot. and always when your trying to do something. He is fascinated by junebugs,and mosquitoes, butterflies and moths.
For food, he is not food motivated at all! i find this very weird, but the only food item he comes galloping full out for is oranges. He LOVES oranges.I'm really not sure yet what is weird behavior as B's are completely new/alien to me and my little guy is only 5 months old.
I forgot to mention the perfume samples in the sunday paper…just got a bunch this weekend and EL D went wild rolling all over them, biting them (I guess to scrunch them up). This is not like the disgusting things outside that he rolls in (like horse droppings); the perfume packet rolling goes on and on and on. He smells for days after. :D
Jack also hides his treats in the couch he buries it in the couch or somewhere, then digs it up a few minutes later and eats it. and you CANT CANT CANT watch him hide it he HATES that! lol Geoff and I have to cover our eyes before he'll calm down and hides it. lol. He does the licking dry, rolls in the carpet wherever i dry my hair after a shower (for the smell i think) squats to pee, scared of the sweeper…and does the B500 to the couch and bites the blanket too (just like Tosca). Its too funny...and he LOVES to play Peek-a-Boo with Aiden in a giant box...He is SO Funny!!! I love it!!