Pee pee and more pee
HUGS to you & Rocky :( I'm so sorry he's doing worse. It can't be easy. What's your vet's opinion?? Sometimes they can somewhat tell what kind of experience the dog is having to see if it's really worth keeping him alive at that expense.
We'll keep you in our prayers.
Vet is of the opinion that as long as I feel Rocky is happy and still has a decent quality of life, that he's willing to go along with it. We don't have Rock on any medications and it's pretty much just regulating his diet at this point.
Like I said previously, we have our good days and our not so good days. I think Rocky deals will it all much better than I do. But he doesn't like feeling ill and being "wet" is definately not his thing. Thanks for the well wishes though!
My "hat" is off to you…. there is nothing worse the dealing with a sick dog that you know in your heart of hearts that there will come a time that you will have to let him go sooner then his time would be without a terrible affliction like Fanconi.... I am sure you will know when... and he will cross the Rainbow Bridge and be healthly and happy ..... and thank you for the time you gave him and all the love....
Like Pat, my hat is off to you as well. I know I'm extremely fortunate with Stormie at this point. I can't imagine when the time comes that I have to make a desicion like you're faced with. You and Rocky are both in my thoughts….
Lorraine -
In the middle of the night it's pretty hard to take. My female used to pee on our bed if we left the room in the morning before walking her (she pretended she was fast asleep under the blankets). Very upsetting, especially on a Sunday morning when we were planning to lie around in bed for a while.
When my first basenji, Pasco, had diabetes, I didn't realize it at first and actually thought he was being spiteful sometimes because he wasn't sure that he liked a new man moving in the house (well, that was partly possible, too). I felt terrible when I realized that he was sick and all I thought was that he was being vindictive.
He was such a great dog. Taught us a lot about basenjis. My son's friends loved him, partly because he was just so…Pasco. When he died, one of my son's friends sent the news out to all of Michael's friends via email - simply said "Pasco died." No more was necessary.
I'm so sorry to hear that Rocky is not doing well. I know what it's like to love and care for a sick dog and how much you're will to deal with because you love him. My vet gave the same "quality of life" advice, which seemed fair to me at the time. They give so much to us. My best to you and Rocky.
To everyone who's been sending well-wishes and thoughts our way, a quick little sad update.
Rocky's disks between his spine have started calcifying. I camehome Monday night to him screaming in pain everytime he moved his neck. Rushed him to the doctor and after a series of x-rays, they found the calcified disks. Short of puting him on a heavy dose of steroids to combat the pain (which is not an option due to his kidneys and "starvation" mode when on any kind of pill), there is nothing we can do.
He screams whenever he moves… we gave him a pain shot that should last 24-48 hours and today he is acting a little less sore and screaming less... but this is no way for my boy to live.
He'll be put down Saturday morning. I don't want to do this but I have no choice. I can't let my boy live in pain just because I'm afraid to let him go. He's told me it's time... I just can't imagine my life without him.
Thanks again everyone.
I'm very sorry you are having to say goodbye to your beloved pet. I will definitely keep you in my thoughts as you both cope and say your goodbyes.
I'm so sorry for your loss.