I'm impressed! Nice skillset!
Wait by the bathroom door?
Congo is the same way even if somebody else is in the living room he still has to stand by the bathroom door.
If anyone closed the bathroom door at my house, Max would march over and pound on it with his paw until he was allowed in. If it was a guest–he would sit there and pound on the door every minute or so until they came out.
If anyone closed the bathroom door at my house, Max would march over and pound on it with his paw until he was allowed in. If it was a guest–he would sit there and pound on the door every minute or so until they came out.
Go Max..gggg… that is the way to do it!!!! What a smart boy he was!!!!
My grandmother will never let us forget the time we brought Nicky to the cabin in the snow with us and left him with them and my parents while we went to ski. When my mom went to take her shower that morning Nicky sat outside the bathroom door and howled inconsolably until she got out. She apparently couldn't hear him over the shower but everyone else heard him quite well.
Yep, often I will get out of the shower, and find her waiting patiently by the door for me. She only does it by that bathroom, though, never by the other one.
Medjai comes to the door, and nudges it open, if not completely closed, and then just sits there. He's been trained not to come in, otherwise he would.
We can't close doors in our house…otherwise you hear a paw scratching at the door. No privacy from our fur-kids.
We got lever type handles before the dogs and our tri has learned how to open the doors. A big surprise for guest!
Trixie comes into the bathroom with me alot, noses around but than freaks out because the door is closed! Strange creatures these B's!
I usually won't close the door either, leaving it cracked & Dallas will always push his way in & sit down waiting for me to finish. If the door is shut & he can't get in he'll sit outside against the door & whine until we're finished. Haha. Here I was thinking this could be some sort of sign for some separation anxiety!
Every morning I have two or three of them outside the bathroom door waiting on my wet towel from the morning shower…....like clockwork:D .....wacky dogs anyway.:rolleyes:
Tucker sits by the door if it's closed. If I leave it open he comes in an sits on the bath mat. If I'm in the shower, he peeks around the curtain to make sure I didn't drown and licks the water off the tub ledge. This might be TMI, but if I'm taking care of business and the door is cracked, he'll nudge it open and come in and sit between my legs. He's a weirdo.
He's a weirdo.
It seems they all have a touch of weirdness in them when it comes to bathrooms.:D
It seems to be a common trait…...what other dogs are, um, ah, "special" like this????:rolleyes:
It's why we love them so.;)
Thanks Tucker's dad for the vivid imagery :eek:
Admittedly, when I'm taking care of my business on the toilet, I like to stroke my dog.
I hope my sick sense of humor doesn't get me kicked outta here.
We're all adults, right???
Admittedly, when I'm taking care of my business on the toilet, I like to stroke my dog.
I hope my sick sense of humor doesn't get me kicked outta here.
We're all adults, right???
Actually I am quite offended! :eek:
HAHAHAHA. Just kidding! I was laughing so loud when I read that!!!
Bodhi leans aginst the bathroom door until i come out . lets out a little whine or grumble until the door opens
Admittedly, when I'm taking care of my business on the toilet, I like to stroke my dog.
I hope my sick sense of humor doesn't get me kicked outta here.
We're all adults, right???
Don't feel bad…
I am sure there are others just afraid to admit they do the same... me being one....;)
We have 'open door policy' in our house, by popular demand. If closed, the scratching and banging on the door doesn't stop, so might as well just leave them all open. Mine don't demand that the bathroom door be opened for visitors, just for us. They don't like for our pack to be separated!
Wait I'm confused, is there something called using the bathroom in peace and without four legged guests? LMAO
We have to open door policy also, we have to remind guest to close the door al the way or one of the 3 (if not all) will invite themselves in. They don't beat the door down if there is someone in the house, but I usually have to tell them all I'm getting in the shower so they can follow (yup, cat included)