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My Wife's hand/ dog bite

Basenji Talk
  • Me too, both of us are mixed bags!

    I have to make it clear that I have never bitten anyone!

  • @Barklessdog:

    Me too, both of us are mixed bags!

    I have to make it clear that I have never bitten anyone!

    That is good to hear… hmmm... not sure that is true for me..;)

  • Barkless-I hope your wife is doing better :) It seems your views or maybe it's emotions have changed from your first post to your last post :) which is a good thing. I'm glad you mentioned that dogs (basenjis or otherwise) don't bite out of the blue (typically that is although there are extenuating cirumstances). I think a lot of people need to be educated on WHY a dog bites.

    You may not bite in these situations but you may give a yell, sream, or even a cuss word :eek: A dog doesn't have these forms of expression they have their sounds (and Basenjis don't even have many sounds :eek:) & their teeth. What other options do they have???

    Getting his foot stepped on - I would certainly yell!

    Trimming his nails has always been the ugly thing that makes him go crazy.-Ever had a hang nail trimmed??!! OUCH! Man that hurts

    Trying to take away something he knows he is not allowed to eat, like something he finds on his walk or food he steals- If you know me, you would never try to take away something yummy from me :D

    Waking him suddenly from a sound nap by grabbing or touching him (my daughter got bit in the stomach by going and grabbing his ears while he was sleeping!) My husband swears I turn into Mr. Hyde if someone wakes me up from sleeping…it's not pretty :mad:

    Obviosly when he is injured. If I were hurt you bet your @ss I'd giving out a good yell & @$%! words!!*

    It just seems to me that many (I don't mean anyone here) are quick to judge dogs simply because they're animals & can't express themselves like humans do. And yet it's very acceptable for humans to react to similar situations.

    When people judge my dog, Topaz (alot like Ivy & Jazzy), I try to put things in their perspective. I explain…well you're about 5ft taller then her & if someone 10ft came over to you & decided to BOP you on the head wouldn't YOU be upset?? What about if a 6ft grizzly looking guy came up right up to your face about 1/2 inch form your nose would YOU be comfortable?? So why should she be comfortable with it??

    That's just my 2 cents :)

  • I have had this dog for 7 years and as with most basenji's you go to extreme love to extreme anger or like when he bit my daughter & wife, you have to wonder why are you doing this?

    But when you come home that bad side is only a small part of his personality, which is very gentle & sweet. Still the vicious side exists and we have chosen to work with it.

    Sweet dog 99%

    Savage Dog 1%

    They 1% dog draws blood!

  • I agree that I can't blame him totally for lashing out for the above reasons, but still does not make it acceptable behavior. He did bite my wife's sisters leg when she stepped on his toes and did not get her foot off his foot right away-poor guy screamed really loud then bit her (-lesson learned-he stays in his crate when people are over). He tends to walk by your side, right next to you, so it happens frequently, but not if you appoligize the instant it happens.

    However we can minimize most of what pushes his red zone buttons, but like stepping on his toes, him getting hurt or getting his nails trimmed (at the vet) just can't be foreseen or avoided.

    I might also add that trimming his nails did not allows go so bad, but just increased over the 7 years (and we never trimmed them too short-bleeding) We used to be able to do it our selfs once in a while, then we went to groomer and he was OK, but slowly, he decided he was not going to have none of it from anyone for the most part - although he did let a Vet assistant trim them, the next visit he goes psycho?

    You just don't know how he's going to react from one time to next, or with certain people.

    Also these are smart dogs, what works one time (muzzle etc> ) he learns to avoid the next or he's just sees it and wont let you get near him. Also he learned if his sticks his head between his front legs you can't get a muzzle on and your too afraid, and vulnerable to get bit, to reach under him near his mouth.

  • Our psycho-lab used to sometimes get what we called her "possessed devil dog" look in her eyes before she attacked our basset hound. I don't know if anyone else has ever seen that in a dog but it is creepy!


  • Have you tried any positive reinforcement from the muzzle or going to the vet?? When I do their nails (I file by the way no cuts or bleeding this way) they get a raw hide to chew on while dad holds them down. They're so busy eating they don't even notice the loud noise of the dremel.

    Going to the vet was a scary experience (kinda like a kid going to the pediatrician for the first time yells & screams) growls & teeth. I knew it was just fear driven so now we go with yummy cooked hot dogs! :D He sits on a dog. He gets his muzzle on (with some room to chew) hot dog! hot dog! hot dog! We take the muzzle off hot dog! As we walk out of the vet hot dog!

    Get it?? Kinda like a child gets a lollipop after their shots…my kids get hot dogs :D :D :D

  • @Barklessdog:

    This look?

    Yep…that would be the possessed devil-dog look that says: I'm going to eat your face! :eek: :eek:


  • Mine gets that look especially when he's being really goofy & is all excited!! :D

  • My girls gets that look whenever she sees my boy. Except she's serious! They both get the crazy-face when they're having fun, too.

  • My wife's hand is still really sore to the touch and she can't really do a lot with it. It's still pretty bad.

    We were watching an ASAP adoption commercial and I commented that maybe we should rescue a dog from the pound for our next dog (after these two).

    She said in a sad voice, that she just can't imagine owning another breed of dog other than a basenji- She just wants one that wont bite.

    I was surprised, after the dog bites and getting her nose broke in two places from struggling with our other dog at the vet a year or so back.

    Basenji's have the ability to wash away all the wrong they have done, it's crazy.

    I told her maybe we can get a rescue basenji next time, that way we will know a little better what we are getting, and without all of the puppy training.

    I would certainly love to get a dog like some of the ones people adopted here.

  • Hopefully she has seen a doctor about her hand?

  • Yeah, she saw a regular doctor than was sent to a hand specialist. The dog injured her tendon, which takes a really long time to heal, he said she will have to adjust to the pain.

    I really feel sorry or her, she always get the brunt of the bad from our dogs.

    The other dog broke her nose by jerking her head into my wifes nose at the vet. It was an accident, but still.

  • The three b's I've owned were across the spectrum– one was badly bred and dominant, and a bite hazard with anyone. I have the scars to prove it. My girl Caddie was great with almost everyone, but I didn't trust her with kids-- she never bit but growled at pushy kids. Sol is very patient and gentle with kids, but because of past history I never leave him unsupervised-- except last week, when a 2 year old poked him in the eye by mistake-- he let out a surprised 'woof!' (one of the few times he has barked) but when I called the startled child back over to talk to him about why Sol barked (he was saying 'ouch!) Sol was fine and didn't growl. I still supervise, though, with new kids who may not be gentle.


  • Sounds to me lilke you need to spend lots of training time (not just obedience but also setting up boundaries and who's top dog) with the dog. There's something that's pushing his buttons.

  • Should i worrie about Stella the other night a freind came over who was drunk, put his hand through the window < not on perpous>

  • I had a dog that broke my nose while playing with me and my son - not a basenji, by the way.

    I hear stories all the time about sweet basenjis - they're always going to be spirited, and a rescue might be the answer, but there are some breeders out there that are really careful about temperment. My dogs can give me a run for my money, but are still really sweet (like you said, they make up for the mischef) and I really love them, but I have my eye on a breeder for the next round of dogs. I totally understand your wife. I, too, would like to stick to basenjis.

  • By the way - the breeder that I referred to in my previous post is Rugosa Basenjis - she has a waiting list, but she sounds great. I'm sure she's not the only one out there.

  • Maybe Stella felt you were threatened because she sensed the blood or maybe she just feels your friend is not good for you. You might want to contact a behaviorist.

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