Positive Vibes Needed
OMG, No! I will keep her in my thoughts and prayers!
Oh no! I feel terrible reading this thread, hope she will get better soon, I'll keep her in my thoughts.
Was she alone in the accident?
We don't know much Seko. Her friend Adam informed us of the sad news.
Please let her know that we are praying for her and our thoughts and good vibes are on the way. Please keep us posted on her condition!
I am so sorry! I also send my most heartfelt prayers along for a quick and complete recovery.
Send my hugs to Arti too, she will be in my thoughts and prayers also.
Any news yet?
I had a note from Adam this morning.
Arti was in a very bad accident, involving a truck and three other cars. Arti was with her family(no dogs), but Adam didn't mention any other injured family members…..I will ask that question. Arti had some vertabre damage and will be in a cast and on her back for what Adam said was a 9 month recovery. If I read Adam correctly she will be coming home from the hospital in a few days, but her recovery will take many months.
I think Adam must have read all of your comments to Malgo and she is very touched by the response from you all, and thanks you for your concern, prayers and well wishes.Thank You Adam for the updates, you do very well with the English.;)
Yes, please let her know that we are thinking of her and sending thoughts and prayers for a full, speedy recovery!
If anyone would like to send a get well card, pm myself or WBL for Arti's address.