Doggie coats
I would check out the web for suggestions.
Seems to me that LL Bean had some. -
LOL, I just wrote about the ones I use. I don't know if it is a sweater type to you, but I use fido fleece and Tiggy and I love them. Sit Stay has the best prices the fleeces are the first listed also use the Ruff Wear K9 Overcoat, and here's the K9 overcoat at Sit Stay. TuckerVA and I talked about these. We both go the x-small and they were to small, and the small size fits but is a little long. For Tiggy I'm not to worried because he's got a little more growing to do. Tiggy right now is 15 inches from collar to tail
Over Coat in Blue or Overcoat in Red -
I really want this kind, but they're just too expensive for me!
I found coats from a link in one of the threads a few months ago; I really like the coats I got for my two B-boys.
Here is a place that offers Fido fleece at a reduced price.
Land's End has good quality coats.
The ruffwear coats have a good chest piece that keeps the heart and lungs warm. The montanawear seems to only have a wide strip that runs under the chest area but doesn't seem to cover much… Maybe I'm wrong? As WBL said, I have the ruffwear Overcoat. The chest piece covers the underside all the way to the base of the ribcage AND gives snug back/side coverage. Love it. (It does need to be shortened, though, on his back)
I have both coats…yes my dogs are spoiled :) and I like the Montana Dogwear coats are much better coverage for frigid temps 15 degrees & below :eek: since the fleece part covers the neck all the way down to chest & underbelly & and the Ruff wear are good for chilly windy days...IMO :)
There is a Mexican Hairless in my neighborhood and he's got a -40F coat. It also has a knitted neck that comes up to the ears almost. Not sure what brand/type it is, but I can check if anyone is interested… It just doesn't get that cold here in Va, at least not in the 10 years I've been here. I think it rarely gets below the high teens here.
There is a Mexican Hairless in my neighborhood and he's got a -40F coat. It also has a knitted neck that comes up to the ears almost. Not sure what brand/type it is, but I can check if anyone is interested… It just doesn't get that cold here in Va, at least not in the 10 years I've been here. I think it rarely gets below the high teens here.
I would be interested in that