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Lenny won't eat! Why?

Basenji Feeding
  • Lenny, the dog who normally eats anything, will not eat. I don't know why. I put food in front of him and he just looks away. Treats, hot dogs, MEAT! A few days ago he got into a scuff at the dog park and I think he pulled something near his ribcage (this is a whole 'nuther story, but I thought i'd mention it here, in case it has something to do with the not eating)… he runs around and plays and chases as usual, but when i go to pick him up, he whines like something hurts. its pretty much gone now (the whining when i pick him up). but now he won't eat. I gave them their food yesterday and tayda went to town on hers (she's normally NOT food motivated) and Lenny just looked around. This morning, Lenny is acting really aloof and won't eat treats and is generally acting kind of lethargic. when i call for him to come, he does, but usually i don't have to call him... he just follows me around...

    any ideas? i have to go to work now, and i feel bad leaving them here.....

  • Sometimes I have found that if a dog has an upset stomach, she will whine if she is gassy when I go to pick her up. I would say, though, don't let it go more than another day. How many days has he refused food? If he seems otherwise normal, playing, etc…I would let a dog skip food for probably 24-36 hrs...then I would worry...particularly if it was abnormal for him to not want to eat. But those are just my you know, I am NO vet :)

    Dogs seem to be really adept at deciding the last thing they ate was what upset their if he did feel icky, he may not want to eat his normal food...or whatever he last ate...but you did say he wouldn't eat even the 'best' that sounds like he really doesn't feel well....

    Good luck....keep us updated

  • Thanks! I felt awful leaving them there to go to work. I'll probably go check on them during lunch… its a 1/2 hour drive each way, but I'm too worried to let it go until the end of the day. I'm trying to think back... I'm almost positive that he ate just fine on tuesday and wednesday. and he didn't refuse treats when going into his crate until today (THAT i definitely would have noticed). Last night, I fed them at the same time, and I now that I think about it, I don't think he ate… he must have let Tayda eat his food. I say that because they both came into the living room and laid down. I assumed it was cause they were tired from running at the dog park, but there was something about the way Lenny was laying… not like he was resting, but like he was lethargic (like, all stretched out, instead of curled up in a ball). And then he got up and puked. When he puked, all that came out was grass and a bunch of water. So - he must not have eaten… this morning when I took them out for a walk, he kept trying to eat grass… is it true that dogs do that when they feel ill so they'll throw up? I hope he just has an upset stomach… I'll check during lunch...

  • Yep, they will eat grass if they are feeling sick. Definitely try to feed them separately, at least until he is feeling better so you will know exactly how much he is eating :) Is it really hot there? He may just be feeling too hot to eat? Though with a dog that normally is a chow hound, that would be unusual.

  • You might take his temp too. Normal is about 100 degrees F.

  • I sure hope he is better…if not, I would get him checked out.

  • is it true that eating grass helps them puke if they need to? I usually try to keep them from eating grass, but if it will help him get whatever it is out of his system, should I just let him? it hasn't been too hot here, and even when it was REALLY hot a few weeks ago, eating was not an issue. ha ha.

    I'll definitely be feeding them separately so i can watch them closer. normally the issue is that lenny will eat taydas food so when i saw that tayda was already eating and he wasn't going for it, i figured all was well. I'll be watching them like a hawk today.

  • ok…maybe this is a dumb question... but, how do i take his temp?:confused:

  • @Tayda_Lenny:

    ok…maybe this is a dumb question... but, how do i take his temp?:confused:

    Weeelllll, we have a thermometer, and jar of vaseline labled "dog butt only"…does that help? ;)

    Seriously, just hold him gently by the waist, with his bottom facing you. Dip the thermometer in the vaseline, and insert. If you don't act nervous, neither will he :)

  • @Tayda_Lenny:

    is it true that eating grass helps them puke if they need to? I usually try to keep them from eating grass, but if it will help him get whatever it is out of his system, should I just let him? it hasn't been too hot here, and even when it was REALLY hot a few weeks ago, eating was not an issue. ha ha.

    I'll definitely be feeding them separately so i can watch them closer. normally the issue is that lenny will eat taydas food so when i saw that tayda was already eating and he wasn't going for it, i figured all was well. I'll be watching them like a hawk today.

    Well, ours eat grass all spring long…not because they are sick, but because there is a certain type of grass that they really like in the spring (they don't throw it up). But, if they have an upset stomach they definitely will seek out any old grass, as long as it is fairly tender. I don't try to stop them, honestly, I wouldn't want to chase them around the yard, and I think it helps them urp up the acid that is upsetting their stomach (assuming here). I think you could safely let him eat some grass on a walk.

  • Take a thermometer [not the fancy ear kind, the old school kind] & stick it up his bum. Sounds kind of dirty but that's how I had to do it when my family dog was ill a few weeks ago….oh & don't forget the vasoline as Andrea said!

    Good luck. I would say if he is acting that out of character, take him to the vet if it lasts longer than a day or two. Hope the poor guy recovers soon!

  • @Quercus:

    Weeelllll, we have a thermometer, and jar of vaseline labled "dog butt only"…does that help? ;)

    Well put! I knew someone had to put a funny spin on that!

    I hope he starts eating soon!

  • @Quercus:

    Weeelllll, we have a thermometer, and jar of vaseline labled "dog butt only"…does that help? ;)

    Andrea…you kill me! :D :D :D LOL, can you picture trying to take a temp of a basenji by putting a thermometer under a tongue or in an ear? :) :)

    Hey Michelle, so I take it you've never had to matchstick a dog either... :D :D :D

  • I have actually matchstick'd them before… more as a test to see if it really worked than anything else.

    Ok, i'm home now. Lenny is about the same. I took them outside and he ate grass for about 10 minutes and now he's just sitting next to me. he's definitely not his usual mischevious self and still no interest in food/treats. hopefully the grass will help him get whatever it is out of his system.

    i called the vet and he suggested giving him half a tablet of pepsid AC w/ some boiled chicken and rice. not sure if he'll eat it but ill try later.

  • How about beef, chicken or turkey baby food as well?? Zip had an upset tummy a couple months ago so she wouldn't eat her regular food. She was straining to poo and I saw some blood drip out, which was scary. While at the vet they offered her baby food and she ate it. We fed her boiled chicken, rice, baby food and low fat cottage cheese for about 10 days. She bounced back just fine.

  • Yeah, I'll try that when i get home. i'll pick up some pepsid on the way back aslo. i didn't have time to take his temp, but his nose is still cold…

  • Could he have eaten anything that is blocking him? Blanket, toy, rawhide? That is my main concern when a dog stops eating, starts vomitting, etc.

  • hard to say. I do feed them raw… and i worry about that sometimes. but i think that tayda ate his food yesterday... I bought some baby food and am going to get some pepsid ac on the way home and see if i can get him to eat it.

    poor little guy...

  • When i was home for lunch, he did pee and poo and consistancy and color were normal for both….

  • well, here we go again. since last night, lenny has been puking up his food. he did puke up another small piece of the rubber thing that he puked up about a month ago. he's not interested in eating, is acting really lethargic again….

    i'm trying to keep him hydrated and feeding him baby food... if he's not showing signs of improvement tomorrow ill take him in, again.


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