• Hello all,

    My husband and I have just recently gotten our two angels – Dane and Bella. We have absolutely fallen in love with them. Today, though, Bella doesnt seem to be herself. I took her and Dane on a 40 minute walk this morning (it was about 10:00 am -- a little later in the day and hotter than when I usually take them) and then we met my husband for lunch and went to the dog park. We stayed at the dog park for about an hour. Bella didnt seem to interested in playing and mainly stayed in the shade with my husband and me (Dane on the other hand had a ball playing with his doggie friends). Anyway, when we got home Bella seemed extremely lathargic and a little warm. She has went outside to use the bathroom and has gotten up for water and a treat -- other than that she has just layed around which is not like her. Should I be as worried as I am or am I overeacting?

  • I myself would keep watch over Bella, if she is acting different there is a reason for it I would think. She might have gotten too hot outside today, I would just keep watching her til tomorrow and if she acts the same I would take her to the vet. Could be it's nothing, which, by tomorrow she should be her old self. I don't think you are overacting, you just love your furbaby, I would be just like you. Hope she feels better soon.:D

  • Thanks for the post! This is our first time using this forum. I think she may be feeling a little better–I got a treat for Dane and she ran in when she her the treat jar open. That has to be a good sign.

  • How old are your babies? Are they normally pretty active? Do they spend a lot of time out in the heat? How conditioned are they to the experience they had on the 40 min walk/dog park?

    My Lexi can go forever in any temp and she's 6. Miles on the other hand pants really badly and gets really slow on the walk. (He's like an old man… we don't know his age, he was a rescue). If it is hot out, Miles will pant just going down the stairs. Lexi hardly ever pants. And then of course, if it's been a particularly long day for them, they both crash on the couch until they get hungry.

    But I know how my girl is, if there's food- she's there. One time, she ate something (vet said it was a pill; I still don't believe her- we don't just have pills lying around all over the floor!) and she threw up and then laid on the bathroom floor. I got a treat out and told them to both to get in their crate- when Lexi didn't even lift her head-- I knew something was REALLY wrong and drove straight to the vet. (Her normal reaction is to FLY into the crate for the treat.)

    It's all about knowing your dog. How long have you had them?

    I hope she's feeling better soon!! 🙂

  • Bella is 7 months old. We got her from BRAT only a week ago. She is pretty thin (14 pounds) whereas my Dane is 6 months and a wopping 22 pounds (a little chunky for his age). Im not sure if the weight differnce matters as far as the amount of heat they can take. I am just so scared that I have done something to contribute to her not feeling well. She has been very active since we got her (until today). I think I am going to take her to the vet tomorrow if she doesnt seem to perk up. Better to be safe than sorry.

  • She's probably not used to the activity-especially in the heat of the day-give her a day to recuperate. Make sure she has lots of water and rest. If you do take her on walks and it's hot take a spray bottle and mist her.

  • There was another thread about walking and the heat… and yes it does effect them... seeing that Bella is underweight... would not surprise me that the heat took its toll on her and she was/is just tired...

    One point again... please all be careful of the pavement during the day with sun on it... it is very hot and will burn their feet....!!! Think of yourself walking barefoot on the street....

  • Yes Pat that's very true!

  • Just a thought–you might want to take her temperature and make sure it's normal? But don't make the mistake I did awhile back--I took Max's temp like I was supposed to after a chemo treatment last year--but we had just gotten in from a walk--and it was way high. I called his drs office--and they told me to wait about a half hour and take it again--and it was back to normal 🙂

  • @tanza:

    There was another thread about walking and the heat… and yes it does effect them... seeing that Bella is underweight... would not surprise me that the heat took its toll on her and she was/is just tired...

    One point again... please all be careful of the pavement during the day with sun on it... it is very hot and will burn their feet....!!! Think of yourself walking barefoot on the street....

    Ditto to this Pat. It was really REALLY hot and humid in our part of Ohio today. I think Bella probably just over did it today.

  • @tanza:

    There was another thread about walking and the heat… and yes it does effect them... seeing that Bella is underweight... would not surprise me that the heat took its toll on her and she was/is just tired...

    One point again... please all be careful of the pavement during the day with sun on it... it is very hot and will burn their feet....!!! Think of yourself walking barefoot on the street.

    Here is that thread:


    We live in Michigan and today, the heat index was over 100 degrees. The humidity was exhausting! I would bet the heat affected Bella. Both my dogs prefer the indoors on hot-hot days. I wouldn't want to be exercising in a fur coat today - unless there was a pool involved…;)

  • Keep her in the cool temps for the day & make sure she has lots of water & you could even give her some ice cubes. I would even put some water in her kibble.

    If you think she's still warm rub some ice cubes on the pads of her feet to cool her off.

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