Beta had her staples removed on Friday and the vet said to treat her as if she has an intestinal disease. there are so many diseases out there that they cant diagnose which disease she has without her having the symptoms over time.
The vet said she should stay on the meds for the next two months.
3cc Pepto Bismol in syringe 2x a day
1 tab of Pepcid AC 2x a day (have changed to 1/2 tab 2x a day)
Prednisolone 5mg reduce inflamation 1/2 tab 2x a day
Flagyl 250 mg antibiotic 1 tab 2x a day
Tylan Soluble Powder antibiotic (over food) 1/8 Tsp 2x a day
I did a lot of research and BARF is not right for me with the present issues. I am feeding them a raw (no preservative) diet that is void of wheat, rice and corn fillers.
I found that the Natural Balance is carried in Feed stores and has several allergy or sensitive products for cats and dogs.
Beta is on the Duck and Potatoe wet food and eats 3 cans a day. I am trying to get her weight back. She is 17lbs right now and should be 20lbs for her to be healthy.
Caesar is eating the Duck and Potatoe dry food which Beta will be put on once she can eat textured foods.
The Natural Balance Duck and Potatoe is a no wheat, no rice, no corn, and no soy product. They have another one with fish, but Caesar's mom was allergic to salmon so i didnt want to risk it.
I also have the Duck and Potatoe hard treats whick Caesar loves.
I also found that the Innova Evo canned foods are 95% meat and void of the wheat, rice, and corn. This product is a bit more intense and I have it on order. My vet recommended venison. I will be mixing this as wet food in with their dry food when everything settles down.
I have a group of basenji owners (15 bs) that I meet with at the park on the weekends. They all have their kids on Innova dry which contains the meal. Remember Beta didnt dig the rice mashed when she was really bad which is why i am avoiding it now.
These foods are raw without being raw. I would suggest these to anyone. The kids have been on it for a week now and seem to love it. The canned food looks like corned beef and hash coming out of the can and not like nasty cheap wet food. It smells good also.
I am adding a pic of Beta and Caesar today.
Beta is still sluggish and not as perky as she used to be. She seems recovered from the surgery and has a soft belly. Now I am focusing on getting her back on her schedule.
I took Caesar and Beta to a local dog park yesterday because Caesar is so hyper with the less active lifestyle since Beta has been sick. He did his crazy dance at the park and had about 8 dogs running the crazy 8s. Beta trotted around a bit and sat with us (lap dog style) as we watched Caesar. It is good to get her out. when she is sheltered and pampered that snarfy bitchy b comes out in her personality. I think she had a good time and relaxed a bit.
Thats all for now….