Use of Rescue Remedy
Thank you for your response and encouragement to keep trying different things for calming Seeka. This is week 2 with the Rescue Remedy. I’ve tried a few of the “calming” treats, however she will not touch them even if wrapped in cheese. -
@serenjane You're quite welcome. Our fur babies enjoy giving us a hard time - lol I wonder if you inserted the chew into a small meatball would she take it? If nothing works they do make liquid drops, but I've never used the liquids. The "VetriScience Composure Max" also comes in a liquid form on Amazon.There is another one I see mentioned on several dog forums called "K9 Calmer" (Amazon). I prefer the VetriScience, but both products contain L-Theanine, and Thiamine (B1). Might be easier to give a liquid added to a bit of applesauce or mixed with something Seeka really loves. My girl loves applesauce, peanut butter, plain yogurt, pureed pumpkin, sweet potato, and coconut oil, she would eat anything mixed with those. Happy to help, hope you find something that works for Seeka!
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replied to DebraDownSouth on last edited by GigiThis post is deleted!
replied to Gigi on last edited by DebraDownSouthThis post is deleted!
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replied to DebraDownSouth on last edited by
@debradownsouth Reporting my post??? You were bullying MORE members and you posted your usual rant to me...lmao. I’m sticking up for members that you are bullying right on this thread above. Good luck with that.
Wow, you sound quite jealous. I would rather not continue with this, and I really can’t imagine why you would want to continue? I am forthright. I’m the kid who stuck up for the kids being bullied in school. Sometimes a person can only learn when they get a taste of their own medicine. I saw recent threads on this forum where you were bullying others and I restrained myself from getting involved, but it really gets my dander up to see people, who are asking for help, being bullied or censured. You are censuring others every time you respond to them in a condescending and bullying manner. Responding with criticism is stifling and discourages some people from posting again. Not allowing others to have their own opinions is a form of censuring. That’s the reason you’re having so many problems with so many people on this forum. A forum of this nature is supposed to be a peaceful place to share, learn and have fun, not a stressful place where members have to keep fending off a bully. Could this be why several members were trying to find a way to leave this group a month ago?
From here on maybe I’ll just give those members posts that you’re bullying a thumbs up click, so they know they have some support. As for when I post, please don’t respond to any of them, that should solve YOUR problem.
Go take a walk in nature, rub a dogs belly, feed a stray cat, count your’s good for the heart.
replied to Gigi on last edited by
I am sorry for you. I really am. But thank you for proving you have an obsession.
Pour through the forum and find me any personal attacks I have made except in response to nonsense like yours, or in regard to irresponsible breeders. That should keep you busy. I'll wait.
replied to DebraDownSouth on last edited by GigiThis post is deleted!
replied to DebraDownSouth on last edited by
@debradownsouth Explain your problems above in this thread with two other members
replied to Gigi on last edited byThis post is deleted!
replied to DebraDownSouth on last edited by
@debradownsouth You're projecting again.
replied to Gigi on last edited by DebraDownSouthThis post is deleted!
replied to Gigi on last edited byThis post is deleted!
replied to DebraDownSouth on last edited by
@debradownsouth I deleted my older posts to remove personal info, I deleted my more recent responses to let you save face.
I'm not responding anymore, what more is there to say anyway. All your reposting is proving who is obsessed.
replied to Gigi on last edited by DebraDownSouthThis post is deleted!
replied to Zande on last edited by DebraDownSouth
The news is full of click bait articles, bad science, but they don't care if it gets clicked. If we believe the papers, there is almost literally nothing that won't kill us. I don't equate solid research with the news, but I understand. The current lawsuit over Orijen and ?I forget... looks legit, then you see info about the group bringing it, lab not revealed, is any of it true? All of it? I don't know. I'm just going to do what they advised pregnant women 2 decades ago... limit the fish rotation for my dogs. I don't know the bottom line, so that's all I can do. I don't feed the brands, but I have used fish overly in my rotations.
And yes, like you said, if it works for you, do it. Like I said, I do things I KNOW have no scientific backing.
I've just had too many courses in science/genetics/biology/physics to not also have faith in science. So, for example, when I think ice helps my burns, but then read ice actually causes more damage, I stop. If it won't hurt me or my dogs, then I'll keep on with experience.
I use probiotics for us and the dogs, btw.
replied to Rocky1 on last edited by DebraDownSouth
@rocky1 said in Use of Rescue Remedy:
And, I'm not a bully,everyone is free to do what they want,just don't claim it doesn't work when there are some that have had it work.<<<
When you make personal attacks, it is bullying.
I don't claim... I give research about it. My opinion is that solid research is believable. It's quite okay if you don't. My grandmother was a midwife, did lots of natural herbs etc for healing. Much of that early natural medicines are the foundations for today's meds. I'm not disrespecting that.
For me, I see Bach's RR as a huge money maker that has failed to ever be scientifically supported. People rant about "Big Pharm"... but can't see that "Big Natural" is also mostly money-hungry driven.
I don't question your love of your dogs... I just wish you could understand that the same love that drives you to "natural" drives me to "science." We don't have to agree. And for what it's worth, I appreciate your post on your views and experiences.
replied to serenjane on last edited by
@serenjane said in Use of Rescue Remedy:
Thank you for your response and encouragement to keep trying different things for calming Seeka. This is week 2 with the Rescue Remedy. I’ve tried a few of the “calming” treats, however she will not touch them even if wrapped in cheese.Try putting them in with something she DOES like in a ziplock bag for a few days so they absorb the scent. She may not be fooled, but sometimes it's enough to get them interested.
replied to Gigi on last edited by DebraDownSouthThis post is deleted!