Hello All
Hello all my name is Kat, I have been a fan of the Basenji for years and I even use to get the Basenji breed magazine. I use to show dogs years ago, the last time I was in the show ring was with my Shih Tzu dog Yense. I got my first winners dog prize with Yense, he was a great show dog, he just loved the ring struting his stuff. I just lost my long hair Chihuahua Isabella on the 2nd of March 2017 and I am feeling a bit lost right now. Every one asks if I am going to get another dog, I said that I am thinking about it, but that the next dog was going to be a hound. I have to research my next breed first and I am trying to decide if I want to get back in to showing dogs again. The lost of my Isa is just to fresh right now, so I can hardly think about much except the emptiness in my heart. The Basenji is one of the hounds on my short list of dogs that I may want to look in to. I also love the Greyhounds, Italian Greyhounds and Whippets too and I am even toying with maybe getting an Afghan hound also. I wanted to get a retired racer, but my Hubby wants a smaller dog lol. He loves the Chihuahuas, but though I loved my Isabella deeply, she drove my crazy some times - but I would put up with it if she was still here with me. I told my Hubby I want to get a hound for my next breed of dog and so here I am on this forum. I am very happy that I found this forum because I need to get updated on the Breed standard, re-learn every thing about this breed of dog again. I feel it is so important to know all you can about a breed, before you invest money and time into your next little furry Baby. Thank you, Kat
Hello Kat, and welcome to the forum. Lots to learn about the breed here, good and bad. Take some time to peruse the posts on behaviour and training. Basenjis are not the easiest dogs but they are addictive! When you have learned more about them if you are still interested in obtaining one there are people here who can guide you and everyone is always happy to answer questions.
There is good and bad news... Most puppies are already placed for the year, but that means you have about 5 to 9 mos to find a breeder and get ready if you want a basenji.
People who want hounds are a special kind of crazy. I love Afghans and Basset Hounds and blood hounds and, well, most of them. But I don't want to own them. Although basenjis are in the hound group, they aren't the typical hound. I suggest you find a breeder(s) near you, go visit, hang out, maybe even offer to help out at a show, and get a better feel for the breed.
Thank you both for your kind welcome, I will be going to dogs shows around my area and I do hope to talk with some of the hound folk showing the breeds that I am looking into. I have never owned a hound breed, though my sister was lucky enough to make friends with a black Afghan hound who was a stray just after I got married. When I lived at home with my parents, we always had stray dogs and cats seek our house out. I guess they all new where to go to have a good home and be fed a good meal. I have own a purebred German shepherd puppy that found his way to my home just before I met the love of my life. I trained that dog and he became my best friend and that led me to wanting to show and breed dogs. I owned a Dalmatian and she was my first show dog. Other breeds I worked with were the Dobermann, Rottweiler, Akita, Shih Tzu, Min Pin and my last dog was the Chihuahua. My dogs stay with me for most of their lives and than I seek a new breed to get to know. I am going to get a Hound, I just do not know which one yet. I really would love a Greyhound, but Hubby dose not want a big dog for now. So I am checking out Hound breeds, like the Basenji(I liked them for years) because of their size. Thanks again for your welcome, Kat
One thing about hounds compared to the previous breeds you have owned. Most are more interested in pleasing themselves than pleasing you, and that goes double for Basenjis. Hounds tend to be independent dogs and not so cooperative with humans as herding or guarding breeds. They can be difficult to train and very easily distracted.
I know that hounds can be that way, which is what attracts me to the hound group. I want a dog that dose not need to be on top of me every second of the day. I loved my Chi dog very deeply, but she did have a way of annoying me lol. I hope that I can find another puppy that will be perfect for my family. I thank you for your post. :D
Well, if you don't want your dog to want to be with you all the time, think again. Basenjis can be true velcro-beings, ours are, especially when you locate yourself on a chair or couch, behind your laptop, or in bed. During walks, our two sisters do their thing, but always keep an eye out for me, and follow immediately when I change direction. And they do respond well to recall signs and sounds, especially when the plastic bag with treats comes out. It seems, the calmer I am, the less I say or do, the more they stay around. All in all, I wouldn't have it any other way.
@kjdonkers said in Hello All:
Well, if you don't want your dog to want to be with you all the time, think again. Basenjis can be true velcro-beings, ours are, especially when you locate yourself on a chair or couch, behind your laptop, or in bed. During walks, our two sisters do their thing, but always keep an eye out for me, and follow immediately when I change direction. And they do respond well to recall signs and sounds, especially when the plastic bag with treats comes out. It seems, the calmer I am, the less I say or do, the more they stay around. All in all, I wouldn't have it any other way.
While I do somewhat agree with your post, my basenjis (all of them over the 30 years I have been in the breed).. are not true velcro dogs. Mine decide when they want to be velcro and other times they are off by themselves. Especially during Basenji "nap" time which is every day from about 11am to 3pm.... Or if nice sunny days and they are outside watching/guarding the yard for the darn squirrels.
Thank you kjdonkers, for that incite to some Basenji dogs. I do not mind that the dog wants to be with me, I just want a dog to hang with me and if I want to interact with the dog, I can, petting, talking to it and so on. But once I am done petting the dog I want them to settle down by my feet or on my lap. What I mean is being pestered when I am trying to work on some thing. My lil Chi Isabella would dig at my feet or bark at me if I was not giving her attention, she did not really need any thing, she wanted to stop me from what I was focused on, just to get me up from what I was doing. She did not want to be picked up or held, she just want me to move. She settled down if I was not focused on any thing and when I wanted to pet or hold her, she was having none of that lol. This was my meaning of being pestered. Isabella always seemed to know that I wanted to really focus on some thing and than the pestering began. lol
The Basenjis I have had are usually amenable to settling down, provided that they are able to get close to you if they wish. Basenjis are leaners! They really like to have physical contact and will sit leaning against you or right on you, depending on your position. If denied an invitation, they will make their own decision and you may find a dog flying through the newspaper you are holding in your outstretched hands in order to land on your lap (as happened to my husband a number of times!). However, they are quite cat-like in their insistence that things be their idea, not yours, so often the easiest way to discourage them is to invite them to sit with you. ;-)
replied to kjdonkers on last edited by
@kjdonkers That's a perfect & wonderful "fate" to look forward to!! lol btw ~ you've got a beautiful "lap ornament" there!