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I have ''issues'' with my basenji, can you help ?

Basenji Talk
  • Im sorry because it looks like my questions are very basic for you and i almost look like a fool, but Lady is my first dog and Basenji's are not easy to deal with , especially as a first dog.

    I appreciate your answer but i need more informations if you please.

    The vomit thing surprises me because she does eat before she goes to bed because i work from 16 to midnight every day so when i come back from work, she wakes up and wants to eat.

    My girlfriend feeds her aroud 17:00 with a small portion and she also eats a small portion at midnight
    She also eat when i wake up in the morning. So she eats 3 times a day with small portions.
    She also eat some dog cookies that my girlfriend likes to cook and some that i buy at the pet shop.

    You are right that she probably dont even think about moving when she has to vomit, but in my mind shes intelligent enough to realize that she shouldnt do that on the bed. I have to remember shes a dog, not a human.

    I understand that i have to say no when she puts her hands on my arm at the table or at the computer, but what you have to undertand is that I say no, then i move her away, and she comes back and does the same thing . She can do it dozens of times until i start playing with her or give her my attention. (it hurts because she's holding to my arm with her ''claws'' and she doesnt want to let go at all.

    When she finally goes away (it does happen sometimes) she jumps on the couch and starts digging into it like if it was dirt.
    Then I say : LADY ! NO!
    She takes a look at me, then starts digging again.
    Then i get up , she stops digging, looks at me, and when i start moving in her direction she runs away and im not able to catch her.
    I guess for her its pretty fun and its a good game, but its not a really good behaviour.

    And when i eat at the table sometimes and i ask her to go away, she does and goes on the couch and doesnt do a single noise.
    Thats because she's starting to bite the cushions of the couch and she gets rid of the filling of the cushions. After the cushions are empty, she lays down into the filling and sleeps… (she does that in 5 or 10 minutes)

    So when i eat, she puts her hands on my arm, i say NO and move her away.
    She does that for a couple of times until shes tired of it.
    Then she goes away and destroy my couch, so i have to get up to see whats shes doing all the time.
    When she sees that im comming to see her, if she did empty the cushions she runs away because she knows its bad.
    If she didnt do anything bad, she looks at me and follow me back at the table and she starts over AHAHAH

    Kinda anoying, but I love her anyway.

  • She sounds like a dog with separation anxiety. Urinating and defecating with even a short absence is typical for this problem. I agree with tanza about the vomiting. Not unusual and I have had several Basenjis that will occasionally vomit bile in the morning when their stomach is empty. Doing it in the bed is, to me, unusual. Mine have generally jumped onto the floor, (although not always) but I am also very sensitive to the retching that precedes vomiting, and I usually grab the dog and take it into the bathroom or somewhere that is easy to clean up.

    Your other problems are issues with "manners" and the solution is to teach her what is acceptable and what is not. A firm "no" when she tries to chew something unacceptable, and replace it with a chew toy. Do this consistently and she should start to understand what is "legal" to chew. She won't necessarily comply when you aren't home, but she should when you are.


    I understand that i have to say no when she puts her hands on my arm at the table or at the computer, but what you have to undertand is that I say no, then i move her away, and she comes back and does the same thing . She can do it dozens of times until i start playing with her or give her my attention. (it hurts because she's holding to my arm with her ''claws'' and she doesnt want to let go at all.

    You are rewarding her persistence when you give in and start playing with her! You have to be firm and not reward her bad behaviour. Tell her "no" and don't give in. When she is not bothering you (even for a minute}, that is the time to say "good girl" and go play with her. It will take patience and consistency, but she should learn that good behaviour gets her what she wants, and bad behaviour does not.

    Again, vigilance and consistency will work. Teaching a pup good house manners takes time and patience. Good luck with her. You love her, so that should help you find the patience to teach her what she needs to know.

  • It's wonderful you took in a dog that her previous owner could't keep.
    From my perspective:

    • a 20 minute walk in the morning is WAY too short for a B to release energy, work the muscles, sniff around and interact with other dogs; I walk our B's at least a full hour in the morning, most of it off leash in a safe area; then they sleep until 4 or 5 pm;
    • leaving your dog alone every day for so many hours is too much in my book; it is a lot of stress for her, no matter how much you love her; she wants to be with you;
    • destructive behaviour can derive from both sources: not enough movement/exploration, not enough you-time;
    • feed her twice a day: in the morning, and in the afternoon; give her the food (fresh meat is best), and after 10 minutes remove it, no matter how much is left;
    • set firm boundaries, but stay CALM when she transgresses; correct calmly; a soft voice or even a whisper works best sometimes (at least with my B's); they ARE intelligent and they know exactly when they behave and when they don't;
    • off leash only in a safe area; otherwise a big NO;
    • she may have serious emotional issues from her first home; in my experience regular vets are not much help here; I now go to a holistic vet who works with flower essences, and we went to see an animal communicator to find out about issues - very helpful; you may have access to Alaskan remedies or Anaflora (;;) there are specialised therapists working with remedies, maybe in your area as well.
      All in all, it looks like there is no single trick - it's a multilevel approach with her.
      Good luck and have patience.
  • As Tanza said, the nature of the breed is that they do pick things up and can destroy things left sitting around….even as adults. So you just have to be careful what you leave sitting and if it is valuable, put it out of her reach. My B has also vomited on the bed, and like eee said, I try and get her off it when she starts heaving, but sometimes I'm not quick enough. Don't expect that they are smart enough not to vomit in a bed. Some humans can't make it to the bathroom either, so I wouldn't expect my dog to.

    Regarding digging in the couch: My dog does that occasionally as well. I just put a cover over my couch so she wouldn't ruin the material. That's a Basenji for you. I'm sure I could probably train her not to do it eventually, but I find it easier just to cover my couch., and she doesn't do it too often anymore. As others have said, I think she has picked up bad traits from her previous owner who was obviously stupid and not a dog lover. If you are persistent you will continue to make slow improvement. Always substitute a rawhide or some type of toy if you take something away from her, otherwise she will get mad. And, if you kick her out of your space on a chair, be nice about it and give her some treat or compensation. Basenjis are special. They're only on this earth for 10-15 years so enjoy both the good and the bad. They are wonderful animals.

  • Just want to add a few thoughts. It does absolutely no good to scold a dog if you do not actually SEE them doing something. They don't "know they did wrong"… they know when you see poop/pee/torn up stuff you scold. That isn't the same thing.

    Crating is good. Don't feel guilty about it if not being used excessively (which it does not sound like in your situation).

    Definitely more exercise. But ignore demands to stop the bad behavior. DO plan and have much more hard play time. A tired dog is a good dog.

    My dog has bile, even with 2 meal and 2 treats between morn/night meal and one before bed. I also have to give her an medicine to reduce acid reduction ((such as
    Generic ...... brand names
    Famotidine Pepcid AC; Calmicid; Fluxid; Mylanta AR
    Nizatidine Axid; Axid AR
    Ranitidine Zantac; Tritec; Wal-Zan
    Cimetidine Tagamet

    I mostly use famotidine or ranitidine). Some does just produce a lot of bile and they need both meds and regular food to help control it.

  • Please do not think that your Basenji would "know" to get off their sleeping spot to barf… it will NOT happen

  • @tanza:

    Please do not think that your Basenji would "know" to get off their sleeping spot to barf… it will NOT happen

    True. Zest!, my basenji, will go to the bathroom and barf in the corner. (If the door is closed, she'll barf by the door.) But, my other two dogs, not so much. And they always look surprised. Sometimes, like with human children, things just happen without much warning.

  • Ladybasenji,

    welcome to the forums and you're at a great place for lots of information. We all had to start somewhere with basenji-ownership, so don't feel bad about asking novice questions. And, I think, you've been given some great advice.

    One thing I noticed on your first post was that you said she knows when she's done wrong. Well, maybe, but maybe not. She knows you're upset and she will naturally run to avoid the confrontation, but she may really not know she did wrong. Dogs don't think and understand things like humans. So please, take a deep breath and reflect that maybe she really didn't know better.

    Being naughty and running off with things. Oh, yes, that's a fun game. Change the game. When she has something (as long as it's not poisonous), go get a tasty treat and offer a trade for the not-for-basenji item. You can also teach her to retrieve things. What I did with Zest! (and she is a retrieving fool! seriously, I've had many dog trainers tell me what a good retriever she is) was tie a string to a nice fuzzy dog toy that made interesting noises. I'd toss the toy, she'd grab it, and I'd reel her in and feed her a nice treat. She was a pretty quick study and, years later, I still reward her retrieves about 85-90% of the time. Keep in mind that behaviors will get better or deteriorate, but they do not remain at the same point.

    Having said all that, there are plenty of people more knowledgeable than I and I would encourage you to look for books by Sophia Yin, Patricia McConnell, Karen Pryor or Leslie McDivott. (there are others, but those are at the front of my mind at the moment.)

    Also, here's a great exercise you can do with your dog:

    this is great for any dog, not just our "problem" children. I use a down instead of a sit, but either way, it will teach your dog to relax and chill, while you do things like answer the door, eat dinner, or whatever you need.

    PS, Your English is lovely. I've always admired people who were good with languages. I have zero aptitude for it.

  • Awesome answers.
    I was hoping for some good information but you guys are wonderfull.
    I love each of your answers.

    EEEEEFARM - Thanks for your answer

    The previous familly was not really good for Lady. The mother was a university student and she had a full time night job at the same time so she didnt have time to take care of the dog.
    The father was working all day.
    And there were 2 kids, a 4 year old boy and a 6 year old girl.
    The dog was in a cage from 7:30 AM to 17:30 PM. And then again from 21:00 PM to 6:30 AM. Thats not good.
    The father told me that he had a golden retriever before and he was expecting Lady to have the same behavior (what a dumb person)
    But they wanted a special kind of dog and they paid big money for Lady from a very good dog breeder.
    The only thing he was doing with the dog was to watch tv with her…..
    I asked if he took her for walks sometimes and he told me that the roads were too dangerous for that.... What an excuse, i guess that his beer and tv were more important.
    So the only person playing with the dog was the 2 young kids. They were yonger when they got the puppy, they had her for a year and a haft before they sold her.
    The only toys she owned when i got her was : An old shoe, an old glove, a towel, and a freakin piece of wood.

    I love your idea to swap the thing that she takes and trade it for one of the toys she now own. I bought her loads of toys. The has about 10 different toys that i bought at the pet shop, she plays with them but she prefers the stuff shes used to : shoes, gloves, socks..... So steels these items and loves to run away with them. As somebody said, she probably dont even know its bad because the previous owner didnt teach her anything, i have to keep that in mind.

    Also, when she puts her hands on my arm at the table and i move her away (very gently) and i say NO, i understand now that i shouldnt give up because as you said, its rewarding for her to have persistency because i start playing with her or taking care of her.

    I quote ''but I am also very sensitive to the retching that precedes vomiting'' I didnt know how to explain that in english but my dog does exactly that. Unfortunatly sometimes im sleeping with she starts the ''retching'' so i wake up to see my dog vomiting on the bed ahahah
    I do not blame her at all, because when i feel sick , i dont feel like jumping on the floor either :p But still, when you wake up and you have to go to work, you have to clean up the entire bed, its not very nice :p But this doesnt really bother me, it does bother my girlfriend because none of her previous dogs did that.

    I quote '' When she is not bothering you (even for a minute}, that is the time to say "good girl" and go play with her.'' ill definitly try that, thats sounds really good to me , thanks.

    kjdonkers - Thanks for your answer.

    I quote ""It's wonderful you took in a dog that her previous owner could't keep.''
    Sadly its not that they couldnt keep her, its because she wasnt behaving the way they wanted and they gave up on her. Fortunatly they were smart enough to sell the dog at a costly price to make sure that she was going to a good familly. And fortunately they decided to sell her because they knew they were not treating her right.

    She doesnt walk enough, understood. She will walk even more, but sadly its winter here in quebec /canada and there is lots of snow. It doesnt seem to bother Lady very much, but im affraid she will get cold (especially her feet). Shes got a tiny jacket to keep her warm but would it be a good idea to get some slippers as well?
    I dont know if Basenjis are supposed to like the cold or not. Lady seems to enjoy the snow.

    Shes not alone very long, because im with her from midnight to 15:30 and my girlfriend comes back from work at 16:30
    I dont know how my girlfriend treats my dog when im not at home though. Because yes, Lady is MY dog. She was supposed to be OUR dog, but when my girlfriend saw that it was an energetic and sometimes miss-behaved dog, she also gave up on Lady.
    Believe me or not, after 1 month of poo and pee on the floors and bed and damaged doors trims and items, she wanted to get RID of Lady.
    I said to her : Are you serious that you took this poor dog away from her familly and that you want to get RID of it like if it was a bad car or something ? I said, if you have a baby one day and hes blind of hes not as intelligent, will you get rid of him/her? I said, well from now on , Lady is part of my family, so YOU will walk out of that door before Lady leave, let me tell you that.
    She said that if i wanted to keep the dog, i had to pay my part because we had split the 600$ price.
    So i took Lady, walked with her to the bank which is about 5 minutes away from my house, took 300$ and went home. Dropped the 300$ on the table and didnt say a word.

    Feed her twice a day, got it.

    stay CALM when she transgresses, got it. Im always very smooth with her. Im probably very stupid but in my mind, if shes happy im happy, when i take something away from her , i do say NO, but 3 seconds later i'm petting her ...
    I do spend lots of time with her, i love to play with her and it might sound wierd but Lady is my best friend. so i dont like stopping her from doing things because i like when shes happy. Its like if a parent want to be the friend of their child , it will never work. Ive got to learn that.

    She is indeed very intelligent, i know that because she does things that amazes me. Sometimes she almost look human-like.
    For exemple if im petting her and i stop, she will usually sigh to say like : ohhh , why are you going away.. :p

    For the vets, i thrust my vet and he loves Lady because Basenji are rare here.
    I go for visits to make sure everything is okay regularly. I also trust the owner of one of the big pet shops here who also love Lady because she's special and beautifull. He gives me some good advices on the toys that are good for her and the food also.

    dropit - Thanks for your answer.

    Im obligated to make sure that she cant grab anything because otherwise she WILL grab anything she can reach.
    The cover on the couch is a very good idea and i will try that for SURE.
    I quote '' her previous owner who was obviously stupid and not a dog lover. If you are persistent you will continue to make slow improvement''
    I agree thanks for your encouragement.

    DebraDownSouth - Thanks for your answer.

    agilebasenji - Thanks for your answer.

    thanks for your encouragement, im happy i got that much usefull answers.
    i quote '' she knows when she's done wrong. Well, maybe, but maybe not.'' I agree, sometimes I take for granted that shes intelligent like a human because shes sometimes sooo smart. BUT ive got to understand, perhaps she doesnt have the sense of logic i think she has and i always take for granted that she can use logic... Perhaps the dog is more clever than the owner, oh well, she loves me anyway ahaha :p
    I quote '' go get a tasty treat and offer a trade for the not-for-basenji item'' i love that idea, ill try that for sure.
    Thanks for the books author , im going to look for them at my local book stores :) I do love to read and i love the PDF you provided, im going to read that tonight.
    I quote ''I use a down instead of a sit, but either way, it will teach your dog to relax and chill, while you do things like answer the door, eat dinner, or whatever you need. ''
    I love that idea, Lady does sit when i ask her to, (and she looks gorgous when she sits and stares at me , I love her)
    So im gonna use that to my adventage and even use some treats to help me.

    I quote ''PS, Your English is lovely. I've always admired people who were good with languages''
    Thanks a lot, it takes me lots of time to write these posts with my dictionary to make sure that the words are written correctly so that you can barely understand what i mean.

  • If you go on this webpage, you will see 10 pictures that i took of Lady.
    I couldnt figure out how to upload pictures on this website.

    I threw in a picture of my girlfriend and her last dog.

    This is my website for my mechanic youtube channel, I dont usually put dog pictures on this website so if you look the other stuff its not gonna be dog related.
    The only dog realted page is this one :!dog/c1pyb

    Let me know what you think because shes one of the most beautifull Basenji ive seen (i only saw pictures of other basenjis)
    BUT you will know if shes beautifull or if she looks normal :p

  • OH! I just thought of something. Are you just putting her food in a dish? If so, I'd encourage you to get some food dispensing toys. You can google "food dispensing toys for dogs" and will get lots of ideas. If nothing else, you can put some food in an empty plastic bottle and let her work to get the food out. This will make her use her brain and hopefully wear her down a little. I have several and rotate between the 3 dogs at my house. This will be really nice on those very cold days when you just can't exercise her very much. we have a few days like that here in Colorado; I can only imagine how cold it gets where you are. Yes, my girl has coats and boots. The coat is fine, but we only use the boots when it's really, really frozen outside.

    I have these toys:
    this is the most challenging/difficult

    and these are easier, but still fun

    this one was hard to clean so I got rid of it

    this one for Zest's treats:

    this one I have and did not like because the first time Zest used it, she threw it across the room and all the food came out. lightweight and not very durable. It was kind of funny when she did that.

    Of course this only works with what we call kibble, which is food that you buy in the store that comes in a bag. (Yes, my basenji is spoiled and has gotten several of these toys for Christmas. Or a just because she's cute present.)

    Hopefully that will help use up some of her brain power.

  • @Ladybasenji:

    Let me know what you think because shes one of the most beautifull Basenji ive seen (i only saw pictures of other basenjis)
    BUT you will know if shes beautifull or if she looks normal :p

    Oh she's very pretty. Almost as pretty as my basenjis. :-P

  • Thank you very much agilebasenji
    Ill definitely try these toys since i think its a good idea and they are quite cheap. Love it.
    Unfortunately I dont store Lady's food in the original bag so i dont have the brand of the food, but ill go to the pet shop soon to see whats the brand. Ill take a picture to show you what it is. The pet shop owner told me this was the best food i could get for her. I sure hope so for 80$ a small bag.
    Can i see pictures of your basenjis somewhere on this forum ? Lady and I would love to see them.

    I plan to visit the dog breeder from where Lady came from in the summer with Lady so she can see her friends.
    She doesnt have lots of occasions to see some friends and she didnt see a Basenji since she left the place where she was born.
    Do you think its a good idea ? Id love to see her running with her kin .

    BTW is there many brindle basenji owners here ? Shes a pure blood but it seems that brindle is more rare ? Is that correct ?

  • She IS a beauty - we see very few brindles in The Netherlands.
    Sad to hear about your friend - how much easier it would be with two loving packleaders in the house…
    B's don't like the cold, but with a coat on and in movement they seem to be fine.
    See here (home made fleece jackets):
    You can buy great coats on the internet; the feet are usually OK in snow, but take care when it is frozen into sharp edges, and with the salt they spray around against ice, because it has big, sharp crystals. In very cold or dangerous conditions, there are socks: I know of one B over here who has no problem walking in them.
    And by the way: I wish my French was as good as your English!
    Have fun!

  • @Ladybasenji:

    …...its winter here in quebec /canada and there is lots of snow. It doesnt seem to bother Lady very much, but im affraid she will get cold (especially her feet). Shes got a tiny jacket to keep her warm but would it be a good idea to get some slippers as well?
    I dont know if Basenjis are supposed to like the cold or not. Lady seems to enjoy the snow.

    Basenjis do get cold, and a coat is a good idea. When it's very cold, boots may be needed. My second Basenji (coincidentally also named "Lady") managed in the cold very well. I lived in North Bay, Ontario at the time, and she went with me cross country skiing without any coat or boots, but my current boy feels the cold much more and needs a coat and boots to go any distance once there is snow on the ground.

    Basenjis will certainly get to know the house "rules", and what is off limits to them. Whether they will choose to obey the rules is another story! Many Basenjis will grab something they know is "illegal" because they want to get your attention! When they are bored, a good game of "keep away" is worth any penalty there may be for their actions! ;) Try to find ways to reward good behaviour and to avoid rewarding bad behaviour. That may mean confining her when you can't keep an eye on her, or perhaps leaving a leash or long line on her that you can grab so that she can't play that game of running off with something she shouldn't have.

    Love the pictures! She is indeed a very beautiful girl. :)

  • Brindles are not really rare… it all depends on what breeders are breeding. A few years ago there were many Brindles being bred. Seems to run in spurts....

  • @Ladybasenji:

    Thank you very much agilebasenji
    Ill definitely try these toys since i think its a good idea and they are quite cheap. Love it.
    Unfortunately I dont store Lady's food in the original bag so i dont have the brand of the food, but ill go to the pet shop soon to see whats the brand. Ill take a picture to show you what it is. The pet shop owner told me this was the best food i could get for her. I sure hope so for 80$ a small bag.
    Can i see pictures of your basenjis somewhere on this forum ? Lady and I would love to see them.

    I plan to visit the dog breeder from where Lady came from in the summer with Lady so she can see her friends.
    She doesnt have lots of occasions to see some friends and she didnt see a Basenji since she left the place where she was born.
    Do you think its a good idea ? Id love to see her running with her kin .

    BTW is there many brindle basenji owners here ? Shes a pure blood but it seems that brindle is more rare ? Is that correct ?

    Brand of food isn't so important with the food toys, but some people feed canned food or home cooked or raw food, which obviously would not work with the food toys. There are many good brands of food out now. I believe Orijen is a very good Canadian food, but it's hard to find here in the US and very expensive. My basenjis seem to do very well on dog food that does not have grain in it. My brindle basenji and my tri colored basenji both lived to 16 1/2 years old.

    You can see pics of my dogs here:
    the dogs on the table are not mine but the other pics are of my dogs. The brindle dog is Digital the brindle wonder kid, who had over 30 titles when he passed away last year. The tri is Jet the trying and he had a number of titles too (just not as many as Digital) and he passed away last May. The red girl is Miss Zest! THE princess, who will turn 8 this December and is very much still with me.

    and video of Miss Zest! and me

    I think you will enjoy getting to know Lady's breeder, but Lady may or may not enjoy meeting other basenjis.

    I agree with Pat, brindles are not really considered rare, but some colors are more popular in some parts of the world than others. I'd think where you are any basenji would be unusual.

  • agilebasenji, thanks so much for the link. Great pictures of your guys doing agility! :)

  • Because of where she came from it is unlikely she was taught effectively how to be potty trained. It also sounds like anxiety- both separation anxiety (when u leave the house) and confinement anxiety (being restricted in terms of accessible space)… hence why she was ok being left in the house alone but not locked in a bathroom. My oakley has both of these "anxieties". This is my takeaway after dealing with it for four years: the peeing and pooping while loose is related to the separation anxiety: even leaving for a second (say to take the trash out) sparks this and her response to stress is to go to the bathroom. The tearing up of things is the transferred anxiety she feels, taken out on whatever she can's not for the sake of being destructive. The grabbing things from the crate is based both on confinement anxiety and separation anxiety: "you left me and I'm anxious about it therefore I will get to anything I can reach to relieve my anxiety. Oakley has made incredible progress with both but even at four he MUST be crated for his own safety and for the sake of destroying my house.

    I also believe the anxiety is linked to the throwing up. I have this same problem. He only does it when in his crate but I come home to dried throw up in his crate a couple times a other symptoms..not sick..and I was at first worried but I've chalked it up to being anxious, working himself up and throws up. Like others have suggested- empty stomachs can be a factor in this but I already feed my boy three times a day to avoid this and he still throws up.

    What your dog has been through previous to your ownership is what has shaped how she acts and behaves...her anxieties are likely the result of improper raising, lack of attention and being cooped up all day and night. Transitioning will take TIME, CONSISTENCY, POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT and MORE TIME! Because this is your first dog I would suggest seeking advice from a behaviorist. Set yourself up for success early on and you will benefit for the rest of her life.

  • Right, I understand my dog better now with all the help i got on this forum.

    I'd love to find a trainer that is used to basenjis , but since these dogs are not common here, i may have to go to another city to find a real trainner. Im thinking that a regular dog trainer won't necessarily be able to deal with Lady. Im I wrong ?
    Id also love to visit the place where Lady came from (dog breeder), im guessing they will have some good advices for me and they will be able to hook me up with a good trainner for these dogs.

    Lady is really not that bad at all these days.
    I used the info i got on this forum and Lady definitely improved in her behavior.
    Now when she steals something, i trade it for a toy and shes happy to trade it.
    I place my valuable items far away from her reach so thats not a problem anymore.
    She still steals some socks and shoes and things, but oh well, not nearly as bad as before.
    The owner is part of the problem too i guess.

    The only real problem she still has is : When I come back from work, i take her out so she can do her *1 and *2.
    If i take her back in and I go back out for a few minutes, i come back with pee on the floor.
    I guess that, as many said here, its a anxietie issue.
    She thinks im going away or something and her reaction is to pee.

    The thing i dont understand is :
    If i dont work tomorow and i wake up in the morning, ill take her out for a *1 and *2.
    We go for a walk, we go back in and we play for like 2 hours.
    After the 2 hours of playing, i go out for any reason for a few minutes, and i come back with no pee on the floor and no damage at all.
    She is usually sleeping on the couch.

    My understanding of it is :
    When shes alone when im at work, shes anxious. I come back from work, shes very happy, we go outside together and then i leave her alone again (just for a few minutes).
    She thinks im leaving her and she pees on the floor.
    But when we play on a different day, and I go outside, shes not anxious and knows im comming back so she doesnt pee.

    The thing is, this dog seems to be incredibly intelligent and emotionally dependent. I guess that she's like that because i'm the only one who take really good care of her since she's born. I'm also the only person in her life who did not abandoned her. And im the only one who give her love.
    I'm also with her every day and I play with her every day and we go for walks together every day and she sleeps with me every day.
    So I understand the causes of her behaviors now.

    She's just an emotionally dependent really clever dog who do everything she can to grab the attention of the only person who love her. A dog that panic and become anxious when she's alone and i'm not with her because she doesn't want me to abandon her.
    Very understandable.
    Perhaps time is going to show her that my intention is to love her and take good care of her until her last days.

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  • Help with my Basenji

    Basenji Talk
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    10 Posts
    Glad to hear things have improved. If it was a partial blockage perhaps it has resolved, but I agree that a vet check would be a very good idea just to be safe.
  • Basenji in 'Trekkies' documentary movie

    Basenji Talk
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    5 Posts
    Oh! It's a baby b! Ugh. Wish you'd told me that before I looked. I've got a bad case of puppy fever.
  • Can't help but love me!

    Basenji Talk
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    11 Posts
    Bisa LOVES to cuddle underneath a blanket! She will paw the threads out of one to get under it with you! LOL
  • Is my dog a Basenji? Can you help me figure it out?

    Basenji Talk
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    14 Posts
    Rudolph has a read nose!
  • Awareness can only help….

    Basenji Talk
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    35 Posts
    @sharronhurlbut: Please make sure you strip test your basenjis one a month. If you see a lot of water drinking/peeing, please get the strip tests out and test again. These poor puppymill dogs are not from quality breeders and their health is so much in doubt…. So, strip test, and if you get a puppymill dog get them tested for fanconis. Knowledge is power. For sure everyone should be strip testing.. and better yet, consider doing a DNA Test for Fanconi…. and if you are strip testing... consider doing it more than one day, once a month.. consider doing it 3 to 4 days in a row per month...
  • Basenji Traits Your Basenji Doesn't Have…

    Basenji Talk
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    32 Posts
    My Rue is pretty perfect. She is mixed with something (I don't know what) so she doesn't look like a real B… and she isn't interested in anything in our house (chewing wise), doesn't bolt out the door, and licks like CRAZY! She also doesn't really like to play with other dogs at the dog park, she just smells them, occasionally chases them, then comes back and lays down by me (EXERCISE DANG IT!). The only normal B behaviors that I see in her are the little noises that she makes (she makes a lot of them for different reasons) and her BAROOOOOOO (which is fitting because we named her Rue before we even knew she was a Basenji) and it seems like she is stubborn about sitting. It's like she is saying, "yeah I know you want me to sit, but first I'm gonna spin around in a circle. Then maybe I'll sit if I feel like it." Haha! She is a character!