I was absolutely devastated when I found out this community voted to keep fluoridation. I grew up without it, never had a cavity, and (all harmful affects aside) why am I paying for something I can do myself? I actually found Mercola’s references to be fairly tight; this is not to say I agree with everything he has to say, but he does back a lot of his information up with professional sources.
I recently was reading pro-fluoridation information which referenced Mercola “as a quack” and had a multitude of references to back this up; however, when I went to look over a couple of their cited sources…those sources did not support their argument whatsoever….I couldn’t believe that they would just blatantly lie about the nature of such content and not expect anyone to notice?
This article also completely poo pooed homeopathy and alternative medicine….so the pro-fluoridation argument lost a lot of credibility in my eyes. I was willing to consider their side of the argument, but it’s not remotely justifiable to me at this point. In Anchorage (AK) “anti-fluoridation” groups have been labeled as fringe elements of the political spectrum. The smear campaign against them was brutal – going so far as to claim that the council members feared for their lives.
I’ve been watering his food down a little more just to make sure he’s getting enough in. Thanks for the suggestion.
Brita filters don’t get rid of fluoride, so it won’t make him want to drink it anymore (I feel).
While I’m researching easy-to-install filters I’ve decided to buy store bought water – it really isn’t that expensive but he seems to like it a lot more. Thanks for the reminder.
As far as I can see he hasn’t been peeing any less or any more (oddly enough), so I don’t think I’ll have a test done yet. If something changes I’ll have it done. He hasn’t been acting lethargic, and has been playful. After getting the store bought water he’s seemed to have gone back to normal; no signs of dehydration at the moment.
Thanks for the tip on the broth…maybe I used it too preemptively. I normally wouldn’t give him such luxuries ( I was going to use that broth for soup) but I was freaking out slightly, and was concerned with getting water + electrolytes into his system. He never got to the point where I thought it was an emergency…but I didn’t want to wait until it got to that point, just in case.
Is there any other substance that you would recommend using in the future to encourage drinking + Na/K uptake?
While I can’t agree with you on Mercola 100% (though there are a lot of fringe elements I don’t agree with)…..absolutely feel the same way about people putting things in my water that aren’t necessary. It might not be harmful (though I believe otherwise), but so what? I don’t need someone to brush my teeth for me.
My roommate, a dental hygienist, and I are deeply divided on this issue
Interesting that you mention raw, and that’s how your pup gets most of his fluids. I don’t feed raw primarily…but I’ve been kibble + some raw feeding lately, and didn’t really consider that it might be where he’s getting some of the water content from. Wasn’t sure how he was still peeing regularly. Beo, thankfully, is back on track after I bought the store water.