Do you plan on showing the puppy? Or are you just getting it for a pet? And where is the puppy page….I want to see babies!
Ok so I found the website and I am LOVING the black pup right now.....so square. I am not so sure about the first tri though....for some reason I like the second one better out of the two......can you tell me what you see as the difference in between the two? My first pick would be the black though for a show pup.
Definitely plan to show, but in my mind it is always a pet first. This will be the last dog for a while, so hopefully will get to show it for a few years, through GCH at least. Somewhere in there would start performance too. The sire does really well in coursing, racing so I hope that rubs off on the pups.
I'll get to see the pups in person when they are eight weeks so it will be fun to go over them then.