Fanconi Re-Test results
I have 10 Basenjis being retested.
For four of them I wanted to have new DNA used in the retest. I ordered two new kits on 13 September 2011 at the full price (one for Lukuru na Liboso Mopaya and one for Lukuru Lema). Both Mopaya and Lema tested "Probably Clear" with the linked marker test.
I had read several notes about very positive turn-arounds with testing … a typical example was someone who ordered the kit for one of her dogs on the evening of Friday 16 September. The order was not processed until Monday 19 September due to the weekend. Yet, she received their test kit on the following Friday (23 September 2011), swabbed the dog and mailed it out the next day, and found the results posted at the status link by the next Friday (30 September 2011).
So, I was encouraged by the quick processing.Anyway, by 26 September the two kits that I had ordered on 13 September had still not arrived. I checked the order status and it said "Collection kit sent" undated.
On 4 October there was no change on the order status and no kits had arrived. So I called OFA and left a voice message, followed-up by an email.
I got an email response on 7 October saying that the two kits had been mailed out and to let me know if I hadn't received them by the following Monday (10 October). Well, the following Monday was a holiday and there was no mail. But, that didn't matter because they did not arrive in Tuesday's mail. So, I sent another email note on Tuesday 11 October and asked for kits to be resent.The two kits arrived the following Saturday (15 October). I did the swab for Mopaya and sent it in. The swab for Lema was sent to her home. I followed the database status updates ... which I think is a FABULOUS service!!! OFA received the new swab on 20 October and processed it on 25 October. With the direct gene test, Lukuru na Liboso Mopaya is CLEAR.
The other eight Lukuru dogs all tested "Indeterminate between Clear and Carrier." There was some discussion in September that the lab would retest all the Indeterminate's at some point just for the research value and I wanted to wait to see if anything was said about that by the 1 November date.
Since nothing further was said about that, I went ahead and ordered the second two 'new' kits on 26 October 2011 for Lukuru Amisi and Lukuru MPale. Those two kits arrived promptly on 29 October. I collected the DNA and mailed out the new swabs on 31 October. OFA received the two new swabs on 1 November and processed them on 8 November. The results are posted the day they are processed.
Both Amisi and MPale had been "Indeterminate" with the linked marker test. With the direct gene test, Lukuru Amisi is CLEAR and Lukuru MPale is CLEAR.And finally, the six puppies (Amisi X Mopaya) were left to retest.
Yes, of course I know that they will be CLEAR BY PARENTAGE. But, for the sake of the study, I wanted to have their DNA on file retested with the direct gene test. So, on 2 November I ordered the six retests and the database indicated "Retest Scheduled."As I watch people posting results from tests submitted after mine but run in the batch of testing done earlier this week, I began to wonder what had happened to my six retests. So, earlier today I called OFA and asked. Here is what happened today:
The database has now been changed to "Received 11/09/2011" which I was told means that their DNA has now been pulled from storage and put into the next batch for testing. OFA had just run a huge batch this week and will not be running another Fanconi testing until Monday. So, my final six will be retested on Monday 14 November and the results should be posted that evening. Hopefully they will also have received Lema's swab in time for the Monday run. -
I recognize those dates in your post, they look like the turn around I had for Sophie. It does seem that there was a batch of swabs that "got lost in the mail" because several people expressed frustration about not recieving them. I am hoping that the new kit for L'Ox is sent quickly so I get that turned around before ordering the next two re-tests.
As for not recieving the link, I know I lost my first email when I did L'Ox by the linkage test and was able to request it be resent to me. Here is the process posted on the OFA site for requesting a duplicate of your code.
If you have lost your confirmation code, you may email us ( requesting the confirmation code.
At a minimum, please provide us with:
•your name and address,
•the email address on the order,
•the date you placed your order,
•your dog's name,
•birthdate, and
•registration number. -
I recognize those dates in your post, they look like the turn around I had for Sophie. It does seem that there was a batch of swabs that "got lost in the mail" because several people expressed frustration about not recieving them. I am hoping that the new kit for L'Ox is sent quickly so I get that turned around before ordering the next two re-tests.
lvoss, it may have been your post that stuck in my mind. :) But there were others that were as encouraging.
BTW, OFA has been super with customer service and responsiveness. They have been very kind and helpful every time I have contacted them … particularly under the current circumstance when they must be absolutely swamped!
Anyway, by 26 September the two kits that I had ordered on 13 September had still not arrived. I checked the order status and it said "Collection kit sent" undated.
On 4 October there was no change on the order status and no kits had arrived. So I called OFA and left a voice message, followed-up by an email.
I got an email response on 7 October saying that the two kits had been mailed out and to let me know if I hadn't received them by the following Monday (10 October). Well, the following Monday was a holiday and there was no mail. But, that didn't matter because they did not arrive in Tuesday's mail. So, I sent another email note on Tuesday 11 October and asked for kits to be resent.The kit that I ordered has also not arrived. I called once and they said that if it did not arrive in two weeks to call them back and they will resend a kit. I wonder if anyone else is ordering and not receiving kits.
I am sure they are really busy right now. Tomorrow I will phone them again and ask for another kit to be sent.
I emailed Carol Skinner back, as suggested, asking about the status of Blaze's retest. Carol sent back a copy of the retest…it's the same as before: Carrier.
In the first email that Carol Skinner sent me saying that they had received my order, she included a link that was supposed to go to the Order Status; however, it just went to the main OFA website. Even now, when I search on Blaze's registered name, all that's showing up is the results of the original test done in May. Even though I now know the results, I'm going to keep checking back to make sure the re-test results show up.
I emailed Carol Skinner back, as suggested, asking about the status of Blaze's retest. Carol sent back a copy of the retest…it's the same as before: Carrier.
In the first email that Carol Skinner sent me saying that they had received my order, she included a link that was supposed to go to the Order Status; however, it just went to the main OFA website. Even now, when I search on Blaze's registered name, all that's showing up is the results of the original test done in May. Even though I now know the results, I'm going to keep checking back to make sure the re-test results show up.
Keep in mind that I think that OFA site is only updated twice a month??? Not sure about that, but I know that it is not daily for sure.
I should order two kits and get my guys tested. They were both cleared by parentage, but just to be sure I will order my kits and get Tucker done especially before we decide to breed with him. I can just go to the OFA page and order them online there?
There is NO clear by parents especially if the linkage test was used. So, yes you should retest especially if you are thinking about breeding. ALL BREEDING stock needs to be retested with the Direct DNA Test.
And yes you go to OFA page, then to DNA Tests, then to Fanconi and you would order the Fanconi test @ 65.00
When was the kit sent? I think L'Ox would have had his sent around the same time so I just want to know when I should expect to see it.
Email said they sent it on the 8th, was not received yet in today's mail. And yes, I would think yours and mine should have gone out at the same time
Hmm I ordered my retest the day I got the email (Oct 30) and the same day got a confirmation email back saying I can check the status on the OFA site. 18 days later it still says, "Retest scheduled," but just now I'm seeing people on this thread saying they got their results weeks ago? Something's not right. I'm going to email/call them.
C-Me's re-test came back today(C-Me's was the one that they had to send a new kit as there was not enough DNA from the first test), as did Franie's brother, Trip. Results were as expected, but good to have confirmation. C-Me was pClear on the linkage test. Trip had not been tested till now, but was from a pClear to pClear.
HP36487806 Fanconi Retest Received: 11/03/2011
Processed: 12/07/2011
HP36381203 Fanconi DNA Received: 12/05/2011
Processed: 12/07/2011