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My Dear Basenji Mix (Layla)

Member Introductions
  • Hi,

    I'm WES (aka Sailorglider). I live in Lynn, Massachusetts and have a Basenji, mix (mostly Basenji, with a little of Corgi and Chihuahua). All that means is that she's a bit shorter than a purebred Basenji and her snout is slightly rounded, not completely pointed)

    About two months ago I adopted her (Layla) from a wonderful no-kill animal shelter in Salem, MA. She is loving, adorable, energetic (I walk her about six miles daily, along the Lynn-Nahant, MA beach that's right across the street from me), full of fun, tough, and fearless (she'll play with everyone and every dog that she meets, regardless of their type and size). Also, Layla has a great personality. I've grown to really love her.

    An awesome lady foster-cared Layla for one month before she was flown up here. She is in charge of Puerto Rico's SATO rescue program. When I adopted Layla (originally "Crystal"), that lady included her name and email address in her greeting card for Crystals new best friend. I've been emailing her back-and-forth and sending her photos of Layla.

    Being a first time dog owner, I look forward to reading what you have to comment and advise. I'm having the time of my life with Layla. I could not ask more for a dog that's compatible with me in all ways.

    Soon I'll post photos of Layla.

    Hoping to hear from several of you, Warren

  • Welcome to you and Layla :)

  • Welcome, I look forward to many Layla stories.

  • Big welcomes to you and Layla! Looking forward to seeing pics of her. :)

  • Welcome from Canada!

  • Welcome to you and Layla. How wonderful to have a beach so near!

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