SAFE! Pearl got away from her new home!!!
Worse nightmare. I tell adopters to double collar if they MUST walk (ie not a fenced yard) until the dog has a couple of weeks to bond and learn their location; crate if the door has to be opened, etc. Sending prayers. :(
I hate hearing these kinds of stories, and especially about new adoptees… Heartbreaking to imagine the emotional swing from joy to anguish. I hope they are able to get her back soon!
Pearl is home! Nicole just called me with the good news! She looks good…just needs a bath. Thanks to everyone who helped search for her. And Special thanks to Karin TarQwyn, the "K9 P.I." who gave invaluable (and free, I believe) advice on how to develop the approach which successfully helped to find her.
Now everyone can enjoy the BRAT convention without worry.
Clay -
Woohoo! Thanks for the update!
Awesome, Such amazing news to click onto here..jippea!
I love happy endings. Or is it a begining??
either way, excellent news -
Whew thank goodness! That is great news to start the day with!