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God answered my prayers. Pic overload

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  • Mine are very agile, even before training. Even as young pups. BUT if this dog has been in a crate or small space his entire life, he may be figuring things out (like how is legs work).

  • My B is very light-footed, agile, and careful with her steps… but every now and then, when she takes a spill (jumping up onto the couch, or jumping out of the car) it's like all feet fly in four different directions all at once and she splats hard. It sounds worse than it actually is... she picks herself right back up moments later. =)

    Your pup could just be bumping into things because it sounds like he's got a lot of energy and is getting used to his environment.

    You sound absolutely smitten, and he IS a cutie. But I agree that holding a little back until you're sure nobody else is looking for him is a good idea. Aside from vets and local shelters, you should probably scan Craigslist as well and put up a found notice for him (don't need to include pictures, but maybe a vague description so that the owner could have a chance to identify him).

    He looks a little like a suspected basenji mix at a shelter that was posted to the BRAT message lists recently... also in Texas (San Antonio). If there is nobody else to claim him, I know you'll be ready to open your heart and give all your love to this guy so that he doesn't have to end up in the shelter.

  • UPDATE: Bart de-stuffed his first toy. Good thing it was only 4bucks :) I made sure he didnt eat any of the stuffing the last thing i need is a blocked dog. Are Bs usually good about not eating what they de-stuff?

    We started calling him Bart since he's been with me for almost 5 days now I couldnt keep calling him puppy lol. My boyfriend named him Bart because thats the street we found him on. Bart Ln. Its catching on.

    Also he made his first escape! I stayed at my boyfriends house last night and his mom is adamant on No dogs in the house. Luckily Bart had Lady (his 3yr old Lab mix) to keep him company! I checked on him at least four or five times before deciding he would be okay with her loose in the backyard. I was so worried because the back yard has a small 4ft tall fence between the garage and house and i knew that wouldnt stop him. This morning I woke up to go to the bathroom and I hear howling. I was about to go back asleep until I told myself I should check on him and give him his medicine. Sure good thing I did because I couldnt find him or lady in the backyard!! I call for them and turn around to see bart standing on the top part of the fence! That little booger escaped when Erics dad took lady for a walk. I was so surprised he didnt bolt off though i was sure he would. maybe he does like me lol :)

  • With a 4 foot fence, that won't be his one and only escape from from your boyfriend's yard. You'll need to increase the height of the fence to minimum six feet if Bart is going to have to stay outside there at night, which sorry to say, I find really sad. :( I would never keep my precious basenji out all night, even with the company of another dog.

  • I didnt like him staying outside at all but i cant trust my parents to properly watch him especially since he isnt officially my dog. I was so surprised that he didnt run off seeing as how we found him as a stray i would almost be sure that he might dart and i would never see his cute face again. but he didnt he stayed in the front of the house howling until i came and called his name. His doughnut tail was wagging on top of that fence though when he saw me. I will definitely have to figure something out if he stays. It would suck if i couldnt ever sleep at his house because a dog couldnt come inside. His mom is old school mexican though and thinks thats where dogs belong.

  • While I don't disagree with Fran, if the weather is mild and there is shelter and another dog-buddy, a 'camp-out' once in a while is OK. If he has been on the street for awhile sleeping outside is normal for him. But…even if you can run temp. chicken-wire or something to make that part of the fence higher it will be a good thing. If Bart was let out by the Dad when taking the other dog for a walk, maybe you need to get up when Dad does and take Bart along too?

    Not insoluable situation, just need more thought and planning.

  • Yes - I would strongly urge rethinking how things are done. If the parents won't allow a taller fence, then how about getting an outdoor kennel - they come with 6 feet fencing and some have a cover as well. Just because the dog was waiting for you this time doesn't mean he will always be waiting for you (especially if there's a creature for him to chase).
    Maybe you could get a double leash so Dad (or you) could take both dogs for an evening walk.
    Maybe a night time tether would work (not leather or something chewable though).
    But in any case, I'd really give some serious thought to this - basenjis are not like other dogs in that they are not so naturally oriented to people the way labs and other dogs are.

  • How about getting a compromise on using a crate inside? Otherwise, sounds like maybe your life style right now is not really ready for owning a dog. You risked him being gone again in order to spend time with your boyfriend, have to wonder about your commitment when you did that knowing high risk.

  • Hi , just reading about Bart. He's a cute looking little dog and his traits certainly sound Basenji like.
    Do be very careful about not letting him escape, they can be bolters and can run very fast. My first Basenji kept bolting out of the door and i had to chase him through the streets untill eventualy one day he ran under a car.
    I was just on the point of suggesting crating him inside your bf's house, it's very difficult when other peoples attitudes are different from your own. Also other people just don't get it when you say Basenjis are different, we have had to stop people coming through our gate as they saunter through as if they have all the time in the world, they don't realise how quick the Basenjis are.
    Good luck with your little guy

  • Well here's what happened. I drove to Houston to spend some time with Eric and show Bart to my family. He met the two cats and sadly neither of them went to touch noses with him. I was disappointed in Roxi(the cat that usually stays with me in huntsville) though I'm sure Bart didnt help with his excited state. But only time will tell if she will get used to him. I hope so. Anyways He was being extra bad outside with the rabbits trying to nip their feet. I have to be outside any time he is to make sure he doesnt do harm to them. I wanted to see if Erics mom would at least be accommodating because he is so small and well behaved in the house for the most part lol. So i pulled out his crate and set it up in the dining room with his food and water and a toy. We left to go eat and when we came back I let him out to meet Lady. They love each other lady was so excited to have a friend she almost had a heart attack running around with him so much. Its so funny watching him play. Then his mom came home and i didnt even get a chance to ask about moving a crate inside. I asked her if she wanted to see him she said he was cute but as soon as she saw the crate she said oh no there will be no dogs in the house. Greatt didn't even get to explain.
    I'm not sure how to handle this situation because the only other thing i can do with bart at Erics house at least for now is put him in his crate in the garage and that's just not fair to him. Either that or I cant spend anymore time with my boyfriend unless he comes to our house which he rarely does. . .
    Hopefully I can talk his mom into something :(
    Debra. Yes I guess i did not show enough commitment that night maybe I should find him a better and more suited home.

  • You definitely can't take a chance with him, that's for sure. otherwise is just as well off as how you found him. if he gets out, he could so easily get hit by a car, attacked by a mean dog, or taken in by a kindly stranger who finds him. for the better part of an evening, you and your boyfriend could hang out outside with the dogs and keep an eye on them. if you go inside for anything, you'll have to crate him in the garage. it's not cruel. he may whine for a bit, but then he'll finally just go to sleep. keeping him safe and protected in his crate is definitely more suitable than leaving him outside in a yard that is so easy for him to escape from, so don't let yourself feel bad about crating him.

  • Sometimes you have to make hard choices. Since you spend time with your BF and it is not his or your house, you have to make some tough decisions. And as far as the rabbits at your Mom's house, that could be a real problem. And keep in mind, he was not being bad… he was doing what comes natural. Dogs are hunters, rabbits are prey... dogs don't know that they are someones pet....

  • @Whoalookitsme:

    Yes I guess i did not show enough commitment that night maybe I should find him a better and more suited home.

    I have to say that I am a fierce advocate for animals, and I would not be being honest if I didn't suggest to you that it might be better to find this sweet dog a new home. In the future when you can make all the rules regarding fencing, where the dog sleeps, how many (and type) of other animals are around, and how much is spent for vet bill$ (and where that money is coming from), you will be in a better position to further research basenjis, find a great breeder and go into everything with eyes wide open.

  • Bart is a little sweetheart. I have a golden rule if my dogs are not welcome you are also saying that my kids and I are not welcome. Tell the boyfriend to learn to come to your house. Good luck. Bart needs that special love and home you can do it just make some changes.

    Rita Jesn

  • @Rita:

    Tell the boyfriend to learn to come to your house.

    I second this. =)

  • lol the boyfriend does need to come over once and awhile. My parents find it kind of off putting. But as far as being ready for a Basenji I felt i was. Just not one this young. He is still a puppy being only one year. Brat also felt I was ready after they came to my house to do the home check. They knew I had rabbits and I was very honest with everything. I thought that I could talk Erics mom into letting the dog in the house. The crate will just have to get its use, i guess it's a good thing i bought it lol. I was really expecting an older dog and being that the BRAT dogs have already been personality evaluated I was really going into this little man blindly. He is such a darling boy sometimes though and a great homework distraction LOL.
    I guess I didn't factor in that I do spend a lot of my free time at my boyfriends. And luckily vet bills aren't a factor just yet plus the 40% employee discount is nice.

    I was thinking of trying a spray bottle with the rabbits and see if it helps. I'll just take it day by day. No calls about claiming him and no emails from my ad posted on craigslist.

  • you can do this! just be flexible about your expectations. dogs spend a huge part of their day sleeping, anyway, so don't sweat it. take him out for some long walks with the b/f, hang out in the yard while the dogs have some good play time, and then put him in his crate after he is already tired. he will very soon see that this is the routine and will be fine with it. good luck and hang in there!

  • Well, I'm wondering what's happening with Bart?

    Psst: see user name….can't help myself....

  • Not sure if this is a possibility, depending on yard or neighborhood, but could you and BF get a little tent and "camp out" in his backyard? Then you could have BART with you and enjoy the great outdoors and be with your BF. Air mattresses are very comfortable, especially when you have your dog in the tent with you.

  • Update :) Bart visited the Duck Park in town and had much fun but wished if he could only get a little closer too bad mom was worried about him having to explain to Dante how he got his butt kicked by a goose lol.

    One of my favorites from his first days that i forgot to put up

    He kept trying to jump on a ledge with ducks. they couldnt see him though


    I had to get a picture of the wrinkles so yall could see lol

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