Hedgehog Babies
wrote on 21 Sept 2010, 11:55 last edited by
I LOVE that picture, its adorable isnt it? I have that as my laptop background picture. It looks like he's smiling! :D
Maya pushed her nose very hard into dad hedgehogs back once whilst giving him a sniff. She has not gone near them since ;) She runs if she seems me getting them out :D
wrote on 21 Sept 2010, 13:46 last edited by
Very cool photos..are the babys spines hard right after birth?
wrote on 21 Sept 2010, 14:12 last edited by
They're a little softer at birth but they are still very spiky!
wrote on 21 Sept 2010, 14:25 last edited by
Oh Maya, WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. We got a hedgehog (adult 4 yrs old) and a mom with 4 babies. Then found out ILLEGAL in GA. I took the mom and babies back to breeder but couldn't part with Michael. We adored him. My vet said, eh.. bring it in before or after hours if problem. Actually you can OWN in GA, but you have to keep 50 ft from your house. WTH? Anyway, talks with GA ag dept went something like this:
They carry hoof and mouth.
No they don't… none imported here in 50000 years so any who had it long dead. No longer a threat.
We don't care. Dangerous.
Then why can you own and BREED here, but not SELL here, and not keep in your house.
Those are the rules. Don't like it (This is a quote!!) Move to another state.Sigh. Anyway, he lived til almost 9, died from cancer. I understand for the USA hedgies that was very old.
wrote on 21 Sept 2010, 14:29 last edited by
Wow, those rules are just crazy!! They dont have hooves so how can they have hoof and mouth??
9 is a very good age, i think the life span is usually 5-10 but 10 is very rare. Most of our UK lines were imported from the USA :D
wrote on 21 Sept 2010, 16:09 last edited by
OMG! They're precious! I've never seen hedgehogs that close and this is the first time I've been babies! Glad you posted a bunch of pics since it took me a while to figure out which end was which… :p
They're so cute!!! :D
wrote on 21 Sept 2010, 17:46 last edited by
I was squealing with delight looking at those pictures - then sent the link real fast to my sis who is also a major animal lover.
Imagine the mom giving birth to a little one with all those spikes, even if they are a bit softer than the adults. That must be a bit of a painful birthing process. Jess, were you there for the birthing? Thanks sooo much for sharing these!
wrote on 21 Sept 2010, 19:50 last edited by
Actually they are carrier.
The importation of these pets from Africa to the United States has been prohibited since 1991 (Title 9 Code of Federal Regulations Section 93.701) due to their potential to carry foot-and-mouth disease, a foreign animal disease of serious economic concern to the livestock industry.[6] -
wrote on 21 Sept 2010, 21:05 last edited by
People can get foot and mouth, Jess!!
The babies are enchanting - I've never seen hedgehog babies before!
A good job their spikes have put Maya off as I suppose the babies could be vulnerable. Mind you I've never had a Basenji that showed more than a passing interest in hedgehogs although my Kangal used to try and unroll them!
wrote on 21 Sept 2010, 21:12 last edited by
Gorgeous, just gorgeous. Have never seen babies so young. Malaika came across a Hedgehog last week. We were out walking in the dark and she suddenly moved foward to sniff something and then moved back realy quick, at first i thought she was scared of the lamp post but when i moved closer there was a Hedgehog rolled up.
wrote on 21 Sept 2010, 21:24 last edited by
I was squealing with delight looking at those pictures - then sent the link real fast to my sis who is also a major animal lover.
Imagine the mom giving birth to a little one with all those spikes, even if they are a bit softer than the adults. That must be a bit of a painful birthing process. Jess, were you there for the birthing? Thanks sooo much for sharing these!
They actually come out in a sack thing so the quills are not spiky during the birth :D I wasnt there for the birth unfortunately, she had them while i was at work :rolleyes:
wrote on 21 Sept 2010, 21:25 last edited by
Maya certainly learned from her experience with the one hedgehog, these basenji's arent stupid :D
P.S. I thought humans could only get foot and mouth by eating infected cows??
wrote on 22 Sept 2010, 01:31 last edited by
My Rotties were AFRAID of Michael. However when the oldest rottie saw the babies she tried to clean them. In fact she did clean them, spines and all. Then she rolled over and tried to get them to nurse. I had to remove her from them til she got through her false heat, lol.
But when they sniffed Micheal he would twist and annoint to remove the insult.
These are the craziest pictures I've seen all day! Cool…