Bald eagle nest - close up camera to watch babies
This is a great website to check out two eagles who have nested in White Rock, a community not far from us. The camera detail is amazing! Apparently the eggs have hatched. I do see some cracked shells in the nest, but haven't seen the babies yet. Mom (or Dad) is really devoted and sits sits sits on the eggs.
This is a great website to check out two eagles who have nested in White Rock, a community not far from us. The camera detail is amazing! Apparently the eggs have hatched. I do see some cracked shells in the nest, but haven't seen the babies yet. Mom (or Dad) is really devoted and sits sits sits on the eggs.
Just am seeing them now! Two beautiful white fluffy babies, and it looks like Mom is feeding them with a recent kill! I could watch this all day, how she lovingly cares and feeds them.
Bald Eagles are an obsession of mine. One day I'd love to go to the States or Canada and see them in the wild :)
amazing! thanks for posting this!