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8 month old is biting…can't get him under control

Behavioral Issues
  • On this very forum there have been quite a few dogs and pups that found new homes where they were a better fit. I personally know of several and the dogs are doing wonderfully. Step out of your situation if you can, and look at what is best for everyone, both you and your kids, and the dog. You are all very stressed and on edge. That stress is felt by the dog too, so even though you all may love each other, your timing for a puppy is not the best! I realize you have waited and gotten a great pup but life does not always go smoothly as planned. Work with your breeder, but if you both decide your well loved boy might be better off and your kids safer with him rehomed, don't feel awful, jut realize that you were really only fostering him after all! Like a human that you may love, but can't live with…not all people or dogs fit together just because we want them to fit! We are so ingrained to not "quit or give up" but as the saying goes, 'if you love someone, set them free'. Best of luck to you and I know you will make the right decision...

  • Very well said!!!

  • No Patty… it's all good [the advice I mean].

    What I don't like is dog owners going on a forum… seeking advice...
    yet not having talked to their breeder first.
    How can the breeder help if they aren't being informed of the issues???

    Breeders WELCOME the phone call.
    They WANT to help.
    They don't want to get a dog back that hasn't had proper training and then at a year old or two... completely wild.
    Those dogs are wild spazzes and much harder to re-train than a puppy.
    Let us help FROM THE BEGINNING.
    It is far easier to nip things in the bud...
    which should have been done in May in this case.

  • 'What I don't like is dog owners going on a forum… seeking advice...
    yet not having talked to their breeder first.
    How can the breeder help if they aren't being informed of the issues???'

    Khanis - I totally agree. I do hope that people are doing this before asking on the forum. I know if I was the breeder I would be upset to think that I wasn't trusted enough for the new owners to come back to me with any problems and the sooner the better!

  • Perhaps another thread on why people feel like they can't contact the breeder. What a breeder can/should do to foster lines of communication. I'd love to know why some people don't hesistate to call their breeder and others do something else. I want my breeders to be happy that they placed a pup with me (I'm pretty sure Linda's okay with me; I have 3 dogs from her), but for other people does that translate to feeling like they can't tell the breeder of problems? Does it make the owner feel like a failure? Hmmmm . . . I surely don't have answers

  • Hmmm, I have not been in that position, but I can see how a buyer who convinced the breeder that they were 'basenji people' and got a pup, then perhaps didn't follow all the advice, got busy with their life, maybe some unplanned changes, and a year later that sweet pup is a mess, biting or destructive. It might feel very humiliating to go back, head bowed, and 'admit' that maybe you weren't the 'perfect owner' for their darling pup.
    So you join a forum and start asking for advice, maybe someone will have a magic solution for you. You just don't want to face your breeder as "a failure" with a wild pup.

    Make sense? What could breeders do? Toss that scenario out there at the time of purchase, and say it's OK, not ideal, but OK, it happens. Pave the way for teaching and forgiveness, and really let the buyer know that you are there for them, willing to take the dog back anytime if necessary, no questions asked.

  • A breeder can't do anything that would make the puppy buyer contact them.
    The buyer is only as good as their promise…
    many times that isn't enough.

    I didn't realize this particular dog was out of our girl... until I looked back and saw posts in May... then I was a little annoyed that there are still problems... and the owner asking here.
    Kyle is more than reasonable and would be more than happy to help.
    The majority of good breeders jump through hoops to take back a dog.

  • So has this fellow contacted Kyle yet??

  • Just an update on Tango. I'd like to thank all of you that gave me advice. I've used many of the suggestions I've been given here and I have talked to the breeder many times. I didn't realize that by also getting advice here that some people would get so offended. A breeder can be of great assistance and support but so can people that are having similar problems. I believe that is why these boards are here ??

    Tango spent almost a week with Kyle about a month ago and I haven't had many issues since then. He's grown out of alot of his nippy behavior and we've learned how to better correct his bad behavior.

    An older dog would probably been a better fit for my household but we're managing and he's a sweet boy.

  • Glad to hear of your success with Tango. I think sometimes people may sound offended but not meaning to. I know when something kindly spoken is written down it can sound entirely different.

    Well done to you, Tango and Kyle.

  • Glad to hear Tango is doing better, thanks for the update.

  • I'm a cheerleader for you and Tango! Please let us know what is going on, and remember, that we all have wonderful basenjis on our laps… I'm getting ready to go to bed, but here is my girl, all cuddled up in a cat-like curl, waiting for me to carry her to bed... and we live in FLORIDA? Too cute. :)

    Thank you for believing in Tango. He is new to this thing called life, and at the end of the day, all he wants to do is please you. I sincerely believe that basenjis are sensitive to our moods, and when they get scared/tense/mad and react, and then WE react... they react back. I'm so grateful that you didn't toss Tango into the basenji orphanage... I believe that he will be come the most loyal B there ever is! :)

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    You are taking the right steps. It sounds like you have been very diligent in training your puppy and caring for her especially with a broken foot and quarantine. If you specifically asked the Vet how she did and he didn't say anything until now that's really disappointing - I would look for a new Vet but at the very least I would stay with her through the visits. I agree with Ember's comment. Good luck with the fear trainer.
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    Wow, I'm afraid that's pretty overwhelming to deal with and like eeeefarm said, no way on earth to do it in a week. However, you do need to begin working on it soon and plan on a very long time to turn this around. Because this dog has shown he will grown and try to bite, your risk of him actually biting, and your legal liability are huge. If you can buy or borrow a secure crate (they aren't cheap) that he can't get out of or hurt himself in, do so. If you can't, do what eeefarm suggested, and make darn sure that leash and collar are totally secure. Once your nephew has left, please get a trainer to start working with your family and this dog on both children and crating. They are very important and it can be overcome.
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    Behavioral Issues
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    After having my girl for several years she become very irritable and out of control. She even attacked a friend's dog. It ended up she was diabetic. She is now on insulin. Now when she get irritable I know her glucose is out of control again and off to vet to adjust her dose. You really need to rule out all possible medical issues. If it isn't medical you might want to look at other option. It might be a little weird to some people but I have had a lot of luck with pet communicator with different pets over the years. It can help, just make sure you find a good one. Check out web site for someone I used in the past
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    And also you need to train your kid´s to handle he pup it has to respect all humans.But yes they can play quite roughly although I didn´t start the rough playing until I was certain with the on/off button.Now we can play really rough and all I need to say is stop and he quits immediately my youngest son who´s 9 yrs old has the total respect from both my dogs.If screaming and water doesn´t help then making nipping unpleasant is worth a try but only by an adult if they nipped my hand I pushed not hard but deeper in the mouth and kept it there when they stopped and tried to lick I praised them.
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    Behavioral Issues
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    Have Michelle hand feed Olimar, at least one of his meals each day. At first, she shouldn't ask him to really do anything but should feed each kibble by hand with the only criteria being that he is not mouthing her or jumping up on her. After a couple of feedings, she can start to use mealtimes as an opportunity to ask Olimar for a sit, down, or even just calling his name and giving a kibble when he turns toward her or rewarding him for holding himself still while watching her. Doing this should help raise Michelle's value to Olimar and she should find that he pays more attention to her.
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    MaxBBB that's a GREAT idea! :D