"Yes, Avongara Black Opal of Brushy Run and Avongara Pepe of Brushy Run are Fula Blacks without the red breech."
I disagree. Firstly -fula black is a misnomer when using it with regards to the Avongaras as they do not have a speck of Fula blood in them. This term, in my opinion, should never be used when describing anything to do with the Avongaras as we could be talking about completely different genes. Which is why we (the breed fancy) should bring our terminology into 2010.
I contacted Bev regarding this discussion as I was concerned about misinformation re: her dogs when we (she) does not know for certainty WHAT her dogs are exactly in relations to color. I know it is her goal to get all dogs involved DNA tested though I am not sure if there is a definitive test should the parents be recessive reds (to mean that they are in fact black and white but have a gene or modifier that "turns off" the black color; think yellow Labradors - they are genetically black dogs but phenotypically yellow in color) or they (the parents) carry the true recessive black genes (how geneticists define it, not the basenji fancy) which is said to be the rarest and the most recessive allele in the Agouti (A) series and NOT a tri color. Or perhaps they are in fact what the fancy calls fula blacks - pheno black/white with possible/eventual bleeding but genetically tri color.
Unless and until they are DNA tested, or start to bleed through or produce their color we do not know for certainty what they are and in my opinion we should not be labeling them as anything at this time - esp. in light of the fact that they do NOT go back to Fula and do not carry the same genes that can produce the fula blacks, tris and/or barred tris of which we speak and are somewhat familiar. If anyone is to label them it should be Bev that does it as they are her dogs, her pedigrees, et al.
Bev did ask that I attach a picture of her 2 1/2 year old full Avongara black and white out of two reds Pepe, Opals brother. See below in another post. What a lovely outline!
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