Hopefully Babies for Langarni Basenjis.
wrote on 13 Jun 2010, 13:52 last edited by
Exactly Saba…. that is why all of our beds have water proof fitted mattress covers!...
wrote on 14 Jun 2010, 04:05 last edited by
Ahhhhh but Ochre wont be able to get to ANY beds ;). Our beds are on the 2nd floor, with a baby gate stopping anyone from getting upstairs :D…
You are under estimating the will of a Basenjis
the will of a pregnant basenji at that….;);):):):D:D
wrote on 14 Jun 2010, 17:07 last edited by
Can you post a picture of her while pregnant? I'm just wondering "how" pregnant a trim basenji usually gets.
wrote on 15 Jun 2010, 03:05 last edited by
You are under estimating the will of a Basenji :D
No No NO…
It cant happen, it wont happen, will it ??? Surely she wont be able to scale a baby gate, that she cant get over whilst not pregnant :eek::eek: Please dont tell me she might !!! I already am scared witless, I dont want to have to worry about her trying to get over the gate as well ;););)
wrote on 15 Jun 2010, 03:11 last edited by
Can you post a picture of her while pregnant? I'm just wondering "how" pregnant a trim basenji usually gets.
I will get Mr Saba to help me put up a pic of her, today… She is generally such a beautiful slim, trim, fine little lady, and now she looks like a blimp :D ;)...
I had to laugh at her last night... I was taking her outside for one of a number of wee's she's been doing lately, when she spotted a wallaby... Well off she went to chase it, (on a lead I might add...). Absolutely no co-odination, nor speed, and the wallaby was long gone, by the time she got to where it was... I did laugh at her, Im sure even fat me could have gotten to it faster than she does at the moment :p... Bless her...
wrote on 15 Jun 2010, 05:16 last edited by
Ochre at 2 weeks…
Ochre at 3 weeks…
Ochre at 4 weeks…
Ochre at 5 weeks…
Ochre at 6 weeks…
Ochre at 7 weeks, (yesterday…It was VERY cold, and she isnt a very happy bunny at the moment !!!).
Ochre's belly shot…
Well I really hope they have come though... I still have NO idea what to do, but when we have time I will write down EVERYTHING that Mr Saba says, so hopefully I can put more pics up myself :o
So how many little bubbies are in the 'oven' ??? Guesses anyone ??? :)
Very interesting. I have not seen many pregnant dogs (or overweight basenjis, for that matter) before. There's no mistaking what's going on!
I'll take a wild guess and say… FOUR! I have no idea.
wrote on 15 Jun 2010, 05:54 last edited by
What a pretty girl!! She's definitely pregnant :D I think she'll have four, three girls and a boy :)
You have to post pics more often!! They are great!
wrote on 15 Jun 2010, 11:36 last edited by
I'm saying 5 (3 boys, 2 girls)…btw, she looks much like my Ruby did when she was pregnant - like a pygmy goat! :D
She is glowing :), I love her belly bump. Pygmy goat is exactly what she looks like to me as well..
I think 4 as well, but two and two..
Yes for more pictures..:) -
wrote on 15 Jun 2010, 14:05 last edited by
LOL, she looks wonderful… and certainly pregnant!.... I am going to guess 5 also, but 3 girls and 2 boys....
wrote on 15 Jun 2010, 19:13 last edited by
LOVE her preggy pictures! Thanks so much for posting them. At the six week mark it really became very noticeable. My guess is 5, but I am saying 3 boys and 2 girls.
wrote on 15 Jun 2010, 21:48 last edited by
Thanks everyone…
Im very happy with my gorgeous Ochre's pregnant tummy :)... She is doing very well, no morning sickness, just still crabby with anyne who comes near her !!! I think I felt some bubbies moving last night. Cant be 100% sure, but I think I did :)...
Im glad nearly everyone says about 4-5... Ive had a couple of people say a bit higher, but right from the start Ive thought 5... Im hoping for a nice boy for me, then all the other orders Ive got are for girls, so if I could have 3 boys to choose from, the rest girls, I will be VERY happy :D
Booked for an x-ray for Monday 21st, which is also piccy day, so that will be interesting...
Just a question ??? For those that x-ray the week prior, do you need to sedate the bitch for the x-ray ??? Not at all something Im going to do, but it has been mentioned ???
wrote on 15 Jun 2010, 21:56 last edited by
They do not need to be sedated for the x-ray. Rally, TC, and Rio were all good for their x-rays.
wrote on 16 Jun 2010, 00:43 last edited by
Mine were never sedated for xray…. no problem at all. One tip I will advise is try and make sure that she has "pooped" before the xray, as the feces can "hide" or blur a pup.... or at least they have on mine.
wrote on 16 Jun 2010, 09:36 last edited by
Thanks guys…
I did think it was a bit excessive, so I just wanted to check... I cant imagine it being a problem, with her moving on th table, she's really finding it a bit difficult to move at all :).
Good tip Tanza, will make sure shes as empty as can be !!!
Whelping box is half done, Mr Saba is doing a great job on it... Very happy :)
wrote on 21 Jun 2010, 03:16 last edited by
Well we are just back from the Vet, after having Ochre's x-ray…
She has 6 little 'buns in the oven' :eek:... I thought she had popped out a lot from her 7 week photo. She is 8 weeks today... Will get that pic up soon I hope... Just need to wait for Mr Saba, who is currently finishing off the whelping box :D...
She is day 56 today, and as a maiden I have no clue what her birthing pattern will be like, so I was wondering what day should I start to take her temperature ??? Have heard that B girls like to go closer to day 60 than day 63, any truth in that ???
Getting very excited, but very nervous too :p