Precious! I've always wanted a B/W 🙂
Where's AJ #19
yea, well, the only thing that came to my mind was Bridge to Terabethia and I was pretty sure that wasn't right.
thanks for the virtual sightseeing!
I had no hope of guessing and I notice that none of the guesses came from the UK so I don't feel too ignorant!!!! I love the guessing game though - keep it up, please.
Incidentally is a 'semi' the same as an artic?
A "semi" is a nickname for the American version of your Lorry.
Fun fun, can't wait for the next one. But what is an arctic?
McCannClan - an artic (short for articulated) where there is just a tractor unit with an articulated load carrying body. Don't we get onto some subjects!
I think AJ has a wonderful life journeying here and there.
AJ's truck is a 25 foot (appr 6 m) three-axle tractor that hooks by a "fifth wheel" assembly to a 53 foot (appr 16 m) trailer. I suppose that since the trailer articulates with the tractor via the fifth wheel, it would then be an "artic." It's the first time I've heard that term also.
Learn something new every day.
AJ's truck is a 25 foot (appr 6 m) three-axle tractor that hooks by a "fifth wheel" assembly to a 53 foot (appr 16 m) trailer.
Wow AJ must be a great driver to handle something so big!
I'm impressed and now I'll be able to talk about semis and confuse UK drivers!
Also Bungwa,Arrow and MIggy are jealous of AJ and say they'd like to drive a semi too!! Does he fancy three Basenj boy companions on his rides?
AJ is on this truck because he was fighting with the show boys in his former household. It was either be a truck dog or be subject to the death penalty for continuous and repeated assault. Therefore, he had to get his CDL (Cruising Dog License) and a log book and hit the road.
I'm quite sure if he was expected to share his "ride" with any other dog than Melody, he would most certainly not approve. He's kind of a butt that way.
My boys are disappointed but still envious!