you worry too much ;)
I ofcourse allready had spoken to you, but I was thinking and I thin kmy dogs have these bumps now and then too, I think it can also appear from a musketo bite, when a musketo bites coinsedently in a lymph gland they can get such a reaction too. -
Well he acts a bit spoiled now because Mommy had to cry when she freaked… :o
I just cant stop thinking about it because I'm so scared..
It's really stupid, I'm a veterinarian assistent and I saw so much dogs with a bump and so less percentage of that dogs had someting really bad.
But when it's about my own animals.. I freak out and my brains won't work normally for that subject..
My BIGGEST fear in life is to loose my loved one's escpessially my dogs..Just had to told my story.. I will keep you all updated about my red and white baby...
Pff those dogs, are really know how to steel our hearts..Do NOT feel silly, I know exactly what you mean. I, too, was a veterinary assistant at one time. Still, when my Eski dog developed lumps on his tummy I totally freaked out, cried, rushed to the vet at the first available appointment. They turned out to be nothing but lipomas. Those small fatty lumps that many older dogs get that are nothing serious at all.
I knew about these things, but when it is OUR dog, I am all worried over nothing. I could not even watch the day my dog got neutered, just seeing him on the table made me want to burst into tears, and made me all shaky inside.
It's different when they own your heart. All reason goes straight out the window. Glad to hear that Buana is fine!
I found this old thread when I was searching for help and advise, so I hope Buana doesn't mind me hijacking it!
My 20 week old pup has had a small pea like lump on her muzzle for about 2 or 3 weeks. I have tried not to get too concerned about it as I felt it may have something to do with her teething. This morning I noticed another lump - same feeling etc - on her back leg next to her muscle. The lumps feel quite soft and move around quite freely, they don't feel hard or attached to anything. Both are around the size of a small pea. I have checked the rest of her body and can't find any more bumps. They don't seem to be bothering her and she is not acting any differently.
I assume that these are just swollen glands maybe due to teething or rough playing etc. I plan to monitor them for another few days and then, if necessary, take her to the vet.
Ideas and thoughts on this are greatly appreciated.
Lumps around the body can be fatty tumors..but I had a b that had a swelling in his face.
I thougth that he had been stung by a bee, and treated him for that, but it got bigger.
It wasn't good news, after the vet saw him.
IMO, if you have concerns re lumps or issues with medical things for your dog, you need someone other than a person on the computer…you need a vet.
Sorry, if this sounds harsh, but I thougth I knew what was going on in my dogs face, I was very wrong... -
Well, the vet wasn't concerned about the swollen glands in Belle's legs. She said it was usual for puppies as their immune system is developing.
The small lump on her muzzle was more of a mystery but again probably nothing to worry about. The vet thought it could be as a result of an injury (she did have a scrap with our older bitch a few weeks ago) or maybe a small cyst. I've to keep an eye on it and go back in a few weeks if it's still not gone.
So glad to hear that Belle's bumps are Ok..keeping my fingers crossed that the bump on her muzzle goes away all on its own.
Glad to hear everything is ok with Belle, Vicki. Fingers crossed the muzzle lump goes away.