Separation Anxiety?
Aries is getting very attached to us, which is great.
The person who had her in foster told us that she would pee on the bed, on the couch, and on dog beds. We haven't run into much of this (knock on wood).
What we have noticed so far is that the only time Aries pees on the bed is if we leave and take Katie with us.
If we leave all 3 dogs, or only take Petey, she is fine. But if we leave her and Petey and take Katie, she pees on the bed.
We haven't taken Petey and Katie and left her alone with no other dogs yet.
We figure we will just crate her if she is left without Katie in the future, but I am still curious.
Is this a type of separation anxiety? Has anyone ever seen a pattern like this before?
She is an older girl… so "marking" could be part of her make up... you might want to talk to her breeder, Linda Elhers and ask about that. It is not that abnormal for a bitch to mark their territory... and I would suggest if you can close off that room, that might resolve the problem
And you have to keep in mind that some bitches will just mark.. it is not spite peeing (as I don't believe in that at all), but just marking territory... so if you limit the area that is being marked, you might get the desired results
Hmmmm, Jet the try-ing (who is kin to Aries) does this nonsense. If it's been a while since he's been out (say like 2 hours) and I go outside to the freezer and come right back in (it's in a detached garage), he'll mark. He will also mark sometimes based on things only known to him. I ususally just manage the behavior.
Yet another reason I call him "the try-ing". Try-ing, not just a color.
Regarding their relationship, Aries and Katie get along pretty well as long as there is nothing to resource guard around. But, they also both have resource guarding tendencies, and will guard food, toys, bones, and me from each other, from Petey and from the cats. No guarding directed toward humans from either of them (knock on wood).
So they only get supervised play with toys, and they are fed in separate rooms, and anyone who snarks while being petted loses the petting, but they get treats AND petting when they are calm close together while being petted.When I am giving out treats, they sit together fine, and when there is nothing to guard, they will sleep together on the couch or bed, and cry if I take one and not the other.
Linda said that if Aries was not the first one out in the AM, she would pee inside. We haven't run into this yet. As a matter of fact, Aries won't go out without at least one of the other dogs with her, but we always take them all out first thing in the AM
My Petey marks the curtains (including shower curtain) or hanging blankets on the edge of the bed anytime a stranger comes to the door, so we are used to it. We just manage, and it doesn't really bother us too much.
Like I said, we will probably just crate her when we leave with Katie in the future. Aries likes the crates, and often chooses to nap in them, so crating won't be a problem. We just didn't bother since they haven't been destructive.
I was just interested in how specific the peeing was. Only when we leave with Katie.
Thanks for all the replies.
It's too funny that you mention that!
I am going with Karla to a CERF clinic in a few weeks, where Willow and Kita will have their pre-breeding CERF exams, and just yesterday I mentioned to my husband that I thought Maybe Aries should go to an ophthalmologist, and I wondered if I could take her to the CERF clinic. I hadn't looked into it yet, because I just thought of it yesterday.
What made you ask?-Nicole
IMO, this sounds like marking. Since you and the other dogs are gone she might think 'oooh, I really like this bed, and now is the time to mark it as mine' I would venture to guess that it is an adjustment thing, and she will stop when she feels comfortable of her place in the pack, and that she gets to keep all the stuff she likes.
Think of it as her way of saying "I belong here" :)
I'm not sure what made me think she needed to see an ophthalmologist. It was just a gut feeling that struck me yesterday as I was looking at her.
I'm going to have to look into it more.
- Nicole
I've taken Nemo to that same eye doc and I really liked her and I'm planning to take Zoni to her in the future. And as Karla said, this eye doc knows basenjis, so it sounds like an good time to do it if you can. Plus, I think it's a little cheaper too when you do it at the CERF clinics versus an office visit.
IMO, this sounds like marking. Since you and the other dogs are gone she might think 'oooh, I really like this bed, and now is the time to mark it as mine' I would venture to guess that it is an adjustment thing, and she will stop when she feels comfortable of her place in the pack, and that she gets to keep all the stuff she likes.
Think of it as her way of saying "I belong here" :)
Awww. She does belong here. We love her so much.
This makes sense. Petey is a very, very submissive dog, so waiting until Katie is gone, but he is still there to mark makes sense.
So, could you do what I do, when I leave the house, the b's are blocked out of most of the rooms and they have their 2 beds and blankets in our computer room…where they nest until we get home.
Just a thought. -
Your situation sounds like mine was, when we had only Shaye. She had a serious case of separation anxiety and the minute we tried leaving, she would pee, wherever she was, along with screaming. Everyone told us to get her another b, and when we got Gemma, it was magic. So long as Gemma is with her, she is fine. Maybe Aries just feels more secure with Katie than with Petey. Is Petey less calm than Katie?