Basenji Google Ad
Ok here I go again I talked with this Frank back on 12th Oct same ad same kind of deal one pup so on. By the way his wife's name is Diana. I used a fake later on in Nov same junk came back so I do not know if there are really puppies or this is just all lie. Either way the names I go from them on the parents I looked until I found were they came from but my point is were does this really go? Wrong to use pictures and I hope he get's into trouble but could be even worse it all could be just lies about puppies.
Rita Jean
Does anyone have any suggestions of questions I should be asking Frank's wife? Should I say that I would like to start breeding? Would that open a door for more conversation?
lol, I was tempted to ask Demarco how the Beagles are doing…
:D You're just not right….:D
Regarding questions: Apparently they know breeders are going to want to check other breeders against any databases. That's why he kept asking. Stay on track as a private purchaser. Ask about health testing in general, do not say specific tests to see what he says he tests for. Since you already have a Basenji, he will assume you have a clue, but don't act too knowledgeable. Find out whether there is a photo of the pup somewhere and whether it can be registered. Also, find out whether they were serious about a visit to the "estate" and where they are located. DO NOT give any more personal information.
This stinks of scam and may have to be turned in to American law enforcement. Be careful.
Lastly, talk to Canadian law enforcement if this gets any see whether they have any jurisdiction on this one since you are Canadian and the scam may be going across the border. It could complicate things for the scammers.
Very good advice AJ. I will be interested to hear what happens.
Ok here I go again I talked with this Frank back on 12th Oct same ad same kind of deal one pup so on. By the way his wife's name is Diana. I used a fake later on in Nov same junk came back so I do not know if there are really puppies or this is just all lie. Either way the names I go from them on the parents I looked until I found were they came from but my point is were does this really go? Wrong to use pictures and I hope he get's into trouble but could be even worse it all could be just lies about puppies.
Rita Jean
And have they been health tested like claimed? Do you care to share the pedigrees of the pups? And where it goes is very possible that they don't even have pups, but a scam to get money from people
If they are taking money via the mail, the postal inspectors can get on to them…sometimes they work quicker than some other gov. agencies...sometime not...
But its something to consider if someone was scammed and it was via mail. -
I believe the subject of pedigree should be avoided at the cost of spooking the scammer. If the subject is pushed too hard, the "seller" may think the dam and sire will be run through a database. They are not dummies. If they are scamming, they are looking for people without experience in breeding and showing. Ms. Pat, I understand your interest in the pedigree…you ask this of everybody and it is a first question for you. However, you are a breeder and have a reputable kennel. Your insistent question of pedigree is a giveaway on this and will spook a criminal.
Scams like this can be "busted" by Interstate Commerce Commission, US Postmaster, FBI and, if taken across our northern border, Interpol and RCMP.
hope these people get what they deserve, some people are just sick
And have they been health tested like claimed? Do you care to share the pedigrees of the pups? And where it goes is very possible that they don't even have pups, but a scam to get money from people
Pat after talking with Frank and Diana last fall I felt this was a scam. It took me several times to get the names of the parents and the fanconi question was just another problem. Like I said I stayed on this until I got were I thought the parents came from and found what I thought was the breeder I ask the breeder in case they had a contact.
Since this has all came up here I have gone to the breeder. I am not going to make this any more of a mess the breeder can take this up with them. As far as any one else if they have bought a pup then they know what they got and if they sent money and never got a pup then they have a case, Sorry to be so rude but sometimes the least said is the best mended.Rita Jean
wow what a lot happened in the few days I was not online here.
I do not know what to think about this all :(
is somebody planning on talking to him again? if so, can somebody please ask them if they breed the nice puppies on the pictures on the website? ( MY pictures, MY bred puppies ;) ) and lets see what they say, and if he says yes they are mine, maybe somebody has the guts to tell him that he is lying and to remove the pictures please.
or something like that…. ????? -
The lady in Australia who owns the pic of the tri puppy, (and the pup itself), that he has used, is currently in contact with him, posing as a purchaser, (at least she was a day or two ago !!!), and is hoping to catch him out that way…
I guess all I can do is let you know what happens, although we are going out of the state till next week, so I possibly wont be able to reply till then :)