Thanks for the welcome, everyone. Patty - I live in Edinburgh when I'm not working, which is most of the time. The plan is to bring her back to Belgium - no quarantine required - and from there I will be leaving on a trip with my other half - and Delta, of course. The long-term plan is to be able to bring her back to the UK, yes, but that won't be for a while.
Welcome to you and Delta
So, I got photos :) Taken in the back bit of our office today.
Delta on the pallets, where she likes to sunbathe (if there's sun). She hasn't got a wrinkly face in this one, but she is showing off her "uneven ear position" a treat:
Delta still on the pallets, but wondering if she's got a chance at the out-of-shot lizard on the wall:
A nice head-shot - bringing out her pavement-special genes… There are moments when she looks a bit like a mini-ridgeback, too...
And it's a rubbish photo, but her tail is variably curly - this is one of its curlier positions:
as I said, we like her…
To be honest, I'm not sure that there are any. My boyfriend might have some, I'll have to ask him when he gets back from Kisangani…
In the photos it's impossible to see her lovely neck, though. I'll have to try harder for a profile shot. And maybe some running ones. And some sleeping ones. And, and... :D