Basenji-less in Austin, Texas
Sadly, pretty little Lily is a "no cats" girl. There is a lovely older girl on the BRAT site but I already put my name in for another girl in Oklahoma. I am going to write to them this evening or tomorrow to see if I can move my name over to Nayru's list. :) I would like a B between 4-7 ideally. I love puppies, but my life would be more suitable for an older dog, I feel.
Arwen, its good you know how much work puppies can be.
I love the age range you mentioned.
Do let us know how your search for a rescue is going. -
Thanks, Sharon. I will. I just sent in an "interested" to a dog here in Texas. She has no dates by her name but is on the list of adoptable B's. I hope I'm not being "bad" by putting my name on her before I know I am not the person under consideration for the Oklahoma girl.
The BRAT folks make the decision for the dog for the BEST home. That takes many things into consideration. Travel can be a big one. But the more you learn re the BRAT process, the better off you are.
I'm a huge fan of rescue. My Standard Poodle, Quigley, was a rescue from the Poodles of the Rockies. I had him for over 10 years but when he passed, I emailed his rescuer to let her know.
I expect that it will take time and I don't want a dog for the sake of having a dog. I want to find the one that will fit my life and let me fit hers (or his but I suspect it will be a girl.) It's hard enough to lose your home once–the trust and love that has to be built the second (or third) time around is a challenge.
Smile. I may come across as anxious and eager (and I certainly am) but I also know the match has to be right.
I was fortunate with Quigley. Jeannie and I talked at length about what I wanted in my next Standard (Q was my 3rd.) She told me flat out that it could be months before the right dog showed up for me. I understood (even if I was sad.)
Two weeks later, she called. She had a rambunctious 3 yr old male who had failed his CGC test because he growled over his feet. LOL So my partner and I went to meet this terrible poodle. He flew in the back door and flung himself on the couch where he draped across us. Jeannie didn't even have time to make it back to the living room.
It was love at first poodle thump. We didn't take him home that day though. She asked us to think about it for a full week. We did and we brought him home.
I'll have to share pics of the Q-dog some time. He never met a stranger.
Thanks, Patti. I'm currently doing "puppy boot camp" for a friend's 5 month old Boston TERROR. This has reinfoced that I do not want a puppy. LOL. Dugan's a cutie but he is unhinged right now. Lots of work trying to get him to not be a piranha and to just stop and listen. But it's a fun challenge and a good reminder of the daily needs of a dog when you live in an apartment.
I'm allowing myself a contained bounce with a chortle of joy. I'm in communication with BRAT about a little girl who seems to be a perfect match for me. I hope I'm a perfect match for her. Setting up Home Visit and getting apartment to send paperwork. If I were a B, I'd probably being revving up for the 500!
I'm tryng to remain cautious because I know all situations are not right for all dogs, but OH I'm happy! :)
Keeping my fingers crossed…I hope you get that little girl soon.
Arwen, if you want an adult, you might also consider a breeder's retired adult… one that has lived with cats. I am always protective of cats with any dog that hasn't grown up with them. That said, even dogs that lived with cats may not be good with other cats.
But your desire for a rescue is wonderful... it's where my heart is too. I keep wanting a well bred Chow... and always end up with a rescue chow or chow-mix.
BOUNCE! I met with the B.R.A.T volunteer this morning for my home visit. I think it went very well. Now to wait to hear if I am approved and if Nayru wants to love me…I mean live with me.
No, I mean love me. :)
In the mean time, I've acquired a foster puppy who may be a failed foster. He's a chihuahua x dachshund as near as we can guess. Unneutered and about 5-6 months we think, Batman already has his neuter/HW/shots scheduled for next Friday.
I have someone who wants him but if he and Nayru get along, I'll keep him. She'll need a friend, right???
Hope everything works out well with Nayru and how about some pics of your failed foster ;)