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Newborn baby + spoiled basenji + anxious mother = problems

Behavioral Issues
  • Thanks Andrea. I totally agree, and that's how I want things to go. I'll talk to my wife about keeping things routine for him, and try to curb the anxiety. I'll look back, and this whole thing is going to be funny. It didn't help that my mom came to visit, and she helped take the drama to a whole new level. I feel like the only calm and sane person in my house tight now. :)

  • Thanks JayCee. I'll have to reintroduce crating to him in a positive way. It's been his jail when I catch him getting into stuff. He's so cool. Always does his time like a man. When he knows he's in trouble, he hangs his head, and goes straight in without me even putting him in there.

  • @Elporkchoppo:

    Thanks JayCee. I'll have to reintroduce crating to him in a positive way. It's been his jail when I catch him getting into stuff. He's so cool. Always does his time like a man. When he knows he's in trouble, he hangs his head, and goes straight in without me even putting him in there.

    That is really not a good approach for a crate… it should always be a good place, should not be used as punishment?

  • Hi, I am in Silverdale, cross the water from you. Where did you get your basenji from?
    I agree with the info above. You have your life totally turned upside down with baby, and if the dog isn't included, you have another member of the family causing issues.
    We are here to help you.

  • If might help to know - when you talk to your wife about Andrea's suggestions (Quercus) - she has three young kids I believe, two of which are twins and several basenjis….so she knows of what she speaks. :O)

    Bmw e70

  • @sinbaje:

    If might help to know - when you talk to your wife about Andrea's suggestions (Quercus) - she has three young kids I believe, two of which are twins and several basenjis….so she knows of what she speaks. :O)

    Thanks Linda :) This is true, we have a 6-year old, and two-year old twins….and when we brought the first baby home it was a little rough, and we did a few things wrong; mostly because we had too much family, and too much disruption going on. But by the time we brought the twins home...the dogs were like 'whatever... more food dispensers!'

  • @sinbaje:

    If might help to know - when you talk to your wife about Andrea's suggestions (Quercus) - she has three young kids I believe, two of which are twins and several basenjis….so she knows of what she speaks. :O)

    AND she was a zookeeper before she had kids. Now she's "just" a dog trainer and kid wrangler. :p (at least that's all the jobs I know she has.) Either way, she's has lots of experience with animals, kids and she's an all around smart cookie.

  • Aww…thanks are making me blush :)

  • @Quercus:

    Aww…thanks are making me blush :)

    LOL, Andrea… all true!!!!

  • Thanks guys. You've been great. I forgot to mention that I also have my mother-in-law, and 11 year old niece staying with us for 2 weeks. The niece is afraid of dogs. Before this, we were at the hospital for a week, and my friend took care of Leroy. His whole world is flipped. I feel bad for my little dude. Last night was already a big improvement though. I'm confident we'll all get along fine. :)

  • Though I know not much of a comparison to a new baby, we recently had 4 visitors staying at our house - 2 of which were young kids. Tayda has been known to be impatient with children. Never bitten or anything, but definitely showing body language that she is uncomfortable when "little people" approach her. She has lunged toward children before, never biting, but more of a "back off" move.

    We basically told the kids from the get go to COMPLETELY IGNORE the dogs. When we walked in, of course the dogs ran up to them to investigate, and we told them to just turn away and ignore them. We all went about our business with me and Ondrej giving them their normal attention but the kids ignored them. Over the course of the week - we would give treats to the kids to give the dogs and slowly let them pet the dogs after they told the dog to sit (and the dog responded by - sitting. lol)

    By the end of the 2 weeks - all was well and kids/dogs were harmonious. Cuddling together and sharing the "dogs couch."

    I think it just helped the dogs to warm up to the kids on "their terms" vs being bombarded with strange people/smells/actions. By the time we let the kids pet the dogs - the dogs were dying to get some affection and attention from the strange new little beings in the house.

    just my 2 cents.

  • Hope everything works out for you all.
    I can understand where your wife is coming from, sometimes when you have a baby it triggers all sorts of instincs and can make you very aware of danger. After all the new human is totaly dependant on you to keep it safe.
    I bet Leroy was more interested in stealing the blanket than in the baby.
    When i had a Dalmation bitch many years ago a friend brought her new baby around and Amy put her mouth around his foot which was in a babygro, i was mortified but think that she thought the baby was a toy or something. She certainly didn't mean to hurt the baby and was very gentle.

  • It seems that like your wife, Leroy is also having a very traumatic time. So many things happening at the same time natural of course witha new baby in the family.

    I endorse all the others say but I would think that changing to 'kind' crate training when it has been used as a punishment will not be a quick term answer although essential too because it can be his 'getaway' when your little one is older or if he feels overwhelmed with visitors.

    Quercus, as usual is spot on, and now I know why - the secret's out!! What a very busy and clever lady.

    Try to get back to a normal routine for Leroy. I always advise any one who brings a new baby home to act to the Basenji as you would an older sibling - make a lot of fuss of the Basenji before making a fuss of the baby so he realises that he has not been replaced by this 'little stranger' and get jealous.

    However it's difficult to really advise without knowing the family and the situation.

  • It's a difficult situation, but having a young child and dogs can be a great combination.

    When I was pregnant of Ryan (Ryan is 9months now) we let the dogs be a part of everyting.
    We planned that the dogs must keep their place at our family.
    They didn't had a change with anything, only for us it was a bit harder because we wanted to keep the exact same routine in the family.
    They see Ryan as a brother, because of the fact we give them the same treatment.

    It's wrong that your Basenji bite into the blancet but there must be a reason behind it, maybe he feels left behind while he was your baby before your other baby was born?

    Maybe you could start also with taking him with you while you care for the baby.
    For example, when you are going to give the baby a bath, talk to Leroy and ask him to come along, let him look into the bathroom what you are doing and speak to him..
    Chafuko loves it to sit underneath the baby bath and just keep an eye on what's going on..

  • @Buana:

    It's a difficult situation, but having a young child and dogs can be a great combination.

    When I was pregnant of Ryan (Ryan is 9months now) we let the dogs be a part of everyting.
    We planned that the dogs must keep their place at our family.
    They didn't had a change with anything, only for us it was a bit harder because we wanted to keep the exact same routine in the family.
    They see Ryan as a brother, because of the fact we give them the same treatment.

    It's wrong that your Basenji bite into the blancet but there must be a reason behind it, maybe he feels left behind while he was your baby before your other baby was born?

    Maybe you could start also with taking him with you while you care for the baby.
    For example, when you are going to give the baby a bath, talk to Leroy and ask him to come along, let him look into the bathroom what you are doing and speak to him..
    Chafuko loves it to sit underneath the baby bath and just keep an eye on what's going on..

    Kim, one of the reasons your situation worked out sooooo well, is that you made Ryan's presence a huge benefit for your dogs,; they got to spend just as much (if not more) time doing things with you and the baby. All kinds of good stuff happened when Ryan arrived, so they made a positive association with him. The way you handled it is ideal….and it has paid off for all of you :)

  • @Quercus:

    Kim, one of the reasons your situation worked out sooooo well, is that you made Ryan's presence a huge benefit for your dogs,; they got to spend just as much (if not more) time doing things with you and the baby. All kinds of good stuff happened when Ryan arrived, so they made a positive association with him. The way you handled it is ideal….and it has paid off for all of you :)

    Thank you :)
    Just after we made the decision we wanted a baby, we talked and thought about how we could get this result. When we were sure we thought about everyting, we got pregnant :D

    It's important that you can/try to think the way your Basenji thinks and work with that.

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