Miles: A Rescue
I hope Hubby changes his mind. You all make a beautiful family.
What a cute kitty…and a great addition to your family. Let us know what happens. More pictures are always great too!
I know, I know… I'm working on getting something fancy together. But for now, they don't have anything special for new years. I really wanted to get Ham a James Bond collar. And I found this snazzy one for Lexi. They would be the most smashing couple if I got these!!
Ham…as... Double OH Seven!!
And Poo Poo as… Sexxy Lexi.
Okay… Now here are the collars they really have... because I made them! :)
B you do such a great job on your kid's collars! They look barooteeful in them! Me, I'd be sewing my fingers together! ;)
You and me both.. .last time I tried to sew a button on, I sewed the shirt to my pants…
haha! That sounds like something I'd do! :D I get nervous using a safety pin! ;)
Great collars BDawg…I think next year you should do the James Bond/Bond Girl for Halloween.
Well, if I hadn't broken my stupid sewing machine, I could show you a lot more!! But THANK YOU!! :)
And it's true- Lexi is quite the princess and the pea. You should see when I try to tuck them in at night… Miles usually gets to the "good" bed first. Lexi really HATES the other bed and will just stare at Miles lying in the cozy oval. And she waits and waits and waits. And I'm like, "PooPoo... he's not going to move. You either need to try to squeeze in or lie in the other one. Look, I have your chenille pillow and fleece throw to make it nicer." And she still insists on trying to squeeze in with Miles. And he of course isn't having it. So she eventually goes to the other bed and spends half an hour trying to make it "suitable". All the while I'm holding the bigger, velour-fleece blankie over them waiting for her to find her perfect spot so I can tuck them in. That is until I save up enough to buy them their own heated memory foam bed.
Renaultf1-let's be real…BDawgs pooches can't wear Swarovski Crystals...uh Lexi would only wear Tiffany Diamonds lol :D :D :D
Bdawg-I LOVE the heart collars :) I can't believe you made them yourself WOW :eek: you are a good!!!
I know…what was I thinking ;) ...sheesh, should be diamonds, of course...:D :D