Lisa's Trog
Thanks for posting, my computer has so many firewalls and popup blockers, I can't get any photos to upload anymore.
Your settings are too high then.
Great picture..The do look like cheetas.
Trying a post from the old home computer, I don't have rights to change settings at work.
Got it this time, will have to use the old hp at home to post photos, obviously the way Vista has our computers configured at work I can't upload.
We only plan to course as far west as Colorado, just a bit too far to CA by vehicle. Will be at the grand national in CO in Sept.
The Army will upgrade to 7 when 8 comes out. NEC control freaks.
Great picture Lisa. I have never seen a lurecoursing in action, but hope I will one day..
I would love to go the Nationals as well, but moving to a new house puts a kink in a lot of summer plans…lol.