My basenji likes tequila?
wrote on 22 Apr 2010, 03:51 last edited by
Hi all,
Ok this sounds odd. But I have never heard of this before.
We were making margaritas, and during the process a little tequila was spilled
( … happens) I cleaned the floor with a paper towel, but my two B's were rubbing all over the floor like cats with catnip! All loopy and dreamy! LOOPY!
What is the story? Are my dogs crazy? It was truly the funniest thing ever!
I have never seen a dog act like this before.
I am not advocating you try this at home...but can I get some confirmation?
Has this randomly happened to anyone else?
thanks, -
wrote on 22 Apr 2010, 03:58 last edited by
Medjai does that kind of thing with the orange scented fantastic spray.
He however will never do anything like that with tequila. Medjai won't get within a foot of any hard alcohol. He gets one small whiff and will show his teath and shake his head violently. He gets closer with beer and wine, but basically he's an alcohol test. The stronger the alcohol, the worse the reaction.
wrote on 22 Apr 2010, 13:51 last edited by
Medjai does that kind of thing with the orange scented fantastic spray.
He however will never do anything like that with tequila. Medjai won't get within a foot of any hard alcohol. He gets one small whiff and will show his teath and shake his head violently. He gets closer with beer and wine, but basically he's an alcohol test. The stronger the alcohol, the worse the reaction.
I guess my B is a little more daring. He has tried to go after my scotch before. He'll still show his teeth, as you described, but still attempt to drink from the glass. He's an odd one… :rolleyes:
wrote on 22 Apr 2010, 14:47 last edited by
Bella turns her nose and runs from any type of alchohol - beer and wine included.
Funny because when we had Alex, he would lap up every last drop of a beer that was accidentally knocked over.
wrote on 22 Apr 2010, 14:52 last edited by
Wine was a favorite of all mine…gggg
wrote on 22 Apr 2010, 15:19 last edited by
You cant leave any glass unattended in my house zoey is a boozer. She especially tries for irish cream but I have had to pull wine glasses and wine coolers away. Hubby has caughter her at his beer or 7and 7. But its the smell of rootbeer that gets that look on her face.
By the by our cat cant get any catnip toys in our house because the 2 dogs steal them and chew them up.
wrote on 22 Apr 2010, 18:05 last edited by
You cant leave any glass unattended in my house zoey is a boozer. She especially tries for irish cream but I have had to pull wine glasses and wine coolers away. Hubby has caughter her at his beer or 7and 7. But its the smell of rootbeer that gets that look on her face.
By the by our cat cant get any catnip toys in our house because the 2 dogs steal them and chew them up.
MY Shaye seems to be becoming a boozer wannabe! If I'm having a glass of wine, it has to be WAY out of her reach, and if my husband has his Jack and Coke on the side table, she is constantly jumping up there and trying to get at it, so he has to move it or hold it all the time! So far we've kept it away from them, but we've had to be very very careful.
Both :eek:dogs also steal all the catnip toys from the cat and chew on them - they don't chew them up, but they really really seem to like it!