Dew claw - help needed
Seren has torn her dew claw into the quick and will not let me touch it. She is licking it constantly. Should I try and cut it off or will she chew it off herself? Perhaps I should take her to the vet and have him remove it. She goes nuts when I take her to the vet.:(
She needs to see the Vet and have it taken care of (IMO), because it could get infected. To keep her from licking it you can wrap it… and I would put some type of salve on it, then wrap with a gauze pad, cover that with that self adhssive tape that sticks to itself. However be VERY careful that you do not wrap it to tight and cut of circulation to the foot. Then you can use something like bitter apple or tea tree oil to keep her from attacking the bandage
Thanks everyone for your help concerning Seren's torn dew claw. We've just returned from the vet. It wasn't her toe just the nail. Her nail was trimed (pretty deep) and bandaged.She looks so pathetic holding her foot up with the bandage. Hopefully the bandage will stay on at least until tomorrow. A little bit of 'bitter apple' may help. The vet assures me she will be fine.
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