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Basenji Health Issues & Questions
  • Caesar has had hives that look like peas under the skin all over his back…it was either the food or the soap I had been using....

    try bathing him with a non soap soap or hypo soap.

    I find Caesar does really well with Natural Balance Duck and Potatoe. The vets say that the fillers in dog food can cause allergies in basenjis because they wouldnt eat it in the wild. The duck and potatoe is no soy, no rice, no wheat and no corn. It is a sensitive type food and doesnt have preservatives either. Check for them online...or at a feed store....

    You can try different things like listed above and rule things out instead of paying $$ for an allergy panel screening.

    I have also found that a lot of dog treats make Caesar sick and I personally stick with Greenies, Nylabones and the Natural Balance treats....

    Benedryl is a great way to calm them down when they go through the hives or throwing up. I buy the childrens chewable and it is dosed out by weight.

  • If you dont want to spend the money on other food yet, boil some chicken and boiled eggs for food and see if they still hive….

    one of my basenjis couldnt eat Eukanuba lamb and rice because of the rice....

  • Thank you to everyone! Your ideas are great and I'm going to try switching his food to Natural Balance, hopefully that will help! I have washed all of his bedding in non allergenic soap and he is clearing up finally, I also removed all snacks with wheat in them. I think the wheat was a problem. Funny how he will get this then clear up only to get it again in maybe 2 or 3 months, but this is the worst he has been bumpy for over 4 days and he wants to be cuddled and cries out every now and then and kicks his rear legs out like a mule. Or he will jump up and and scream and try to bite at this back thighs where the lumps are, so I know he is miserable and his misery has kept me awake worrying for over 3 nights! Well we will keep trying until he clears up! Thanks again to everyone for the help!

  • there are natural balance duck and potatoe treats as well…..

  • Gosh, the part about kicking out like a mule reminds me frighteningly of Lexi when she reacted to the Advantix. Have you been using that??

  • Awww… poor baby. :( My Bella used to get hives alot when she was a puppy. We now avoid fabric softeners on her blankets and mine, and avoid using Lysol because we started to notice a connection with when I cleaned the house and her episodes. We haven't had a problem since. Of course, it could be one or two of many things for your baby... I just thought I might throw a few suggestions at you.

  • seeing your basenji in pain can be pretty tough…when Caesar had hives he was just a pup. All you can do it treat them like a child. Caesar was throwing up with his hives...I gave him a warm bath (which he hated) and Benedryl and he was okay in the morning....

    They can be so sensitive!

  • <>
    Have you thought about fleas? You don't always see them on the dog..and usually they aren't a problem in the northern winters...but if you have some living in your house, and your dog has a sensitivity to them, it could result in what you are seeing.
    Occasionally one of our dogs will get hivey. We never know the cause for sure, but often it seems related to bug bites, grass allergies or vaccines. I usually give a dose of benadryl, if that doesn't clear it up, or the hives are bad on their face/head, I take them in to the vet for something more effective.
    Good luck!

  • When my basenji was two I recall she had a few bumps, chewed the top part of her tail bare and had dandruff. We cured most of it with finding the right shampoo for her skin type to use. I think part of it may have been hormonal.

    One of my dogs has recently developed dandruff…what shampoo did you switch to??

    Diane-sounds like the Advantix or whatever you're using for flea control may be the problem. Have you checked this out??? Good luck to you.

  • how is your basenji now? do you see any improvement?

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    I would not have posted if I beleived it to be a scam. For folks who do worry about such things - one can always let the person know they would be more than willing to donate directly to the vet clinic for care of their pet. M.C. I too beleive they either got what they needed to help their little girl or they realized they put too much info on craigslist. I am hoping for the former. As for Drew - yes - that is a picture of him. If you really want to know - email me privately and I can send you a copy of an article I was asked to write for an Aussie pubication re: him.
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    Basenji Health Issues & Questions
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    Hi Sharon Could you try a different dog food? How 'bout some plain non-fat yogurt? I remember giving my Einstein a cooked beef bone (the round ones, shank??) with the marrow in the center…...oh , my poor boy cried......the marrow made it very painful for him to go. I had to limit how much he ate. It was a special treat for him, so he didn't get them often.....that helps the anal glands for sure. Just a couple ideas. Need daily "poop reports" :) Pam "PJ" p.s. you're lucky you can find pumpkin!!!
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    Basenji Health Issues & Questions
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    Thanks everyone for your help concerning Seren's torn dew claw. We've just returned from the vet. It wasn't her toe just the nail. Her nail was trimed (pretty deep) and bandaged.She looks so pathetic holding her foot up with the bandage. Hopefully the bandage will stay on at least until tomorrow. A little bit of 'bitter apple' may help. The vet assures me she will be fine. The Basenji Forums folks are the best!
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    Basenji Health Issues & Questions
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    You might want to watch her carefully in regard to her food, treats, and whatever she eats when you're not looking. Then change one by one to see if the diarrhea is indeed because of the particular brand of food.
  • Help

    Basenji Health Issues & Questions
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    3 Posts
    On any older dog, cataracts are very common… It would be very hard for a Ophth. Vet to mix up PRA with cataracts. Did you take your Basenji to a board certified eye vet?